Monday, May 30, 2011


A big scare just happened in my home. Nobody was hurt but it could have turned out awful.

I was in the kitchen making apple crisp while my husband and daughter were in the living room reading a book together.
The oven was already at it's right temperature but I wasn't ready to put the apple crisp in so I opened the door to let some air in while I finished making our yumminess. I had the thought to tell my hubby that the oven door was open so to make sure our girl didn't touch it. Well I pushed away the thought thinking I'd hear her if they stopped playing and she came into the kitchen. So I kept preparing the apple crisp when I heard my husband ask me to make sure she doesn't touch the oven. Note: He didn't know the oven door was open, he just felt impressed to tell me to make sure she didn't touch the oven. So I turn away from what I'm doing and there is my baby girl, standing right by the oven not doing anything. Just standing there looking at me. I quickly shut the oven door and rushed to her.
Now, knowing my girl, there is no reason she should not have touched the oven. Seriously, she is discovering anything she can right now and her hands are everywhere she can touch. The oven door being open would have been something new for her to "discover" because she obviously never has before.
So I write this story for my own learning and remembering.
Tonight we had an angel helping us. There is no question in my mind an angel was keeping my baby girl from reaching out to touch the open oven.
I'm so grateful my husband listened to his prompting and I definitely learned my lesson. It could have been disastrous but I know we had extra help tonight and although I was mad at myself and scared stiff, right now I just feel so grateful.

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