Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I'm learning

I feel like I've had so many teaching moments lately. "AHA" moments is what I'll call them. Aha moments of re-learning things in a different light, or simply learning new things. It's been awesome. I feel like I'm being stretched and I know that's what I need right now. I'm very grateful.

Today my mom and I went to the hospital because my cousin had her baby. A darling baby boy who I believe looks just like his mama. This cousin of mine has been one of my "aha" teaching moments lately. She is incredible. I'm going to write this very honest and very straight forward so here goes...

My cousin grew up very differently from me. I'm not going to go into detail because I don't know details. But her social life was next to none. Dating was next to none. Home rules were very strict. Living situation was very humble. BUT she was happy and her family is truly wonderful, we just grew up differently.

She came up to BYU-I and I was a bit worried- worried people would make fun, or get annoyed, or not know how to handle her lack of social skills and what not. Plus, after anyone has lived in very humble and strict circumstances they can sometimes go overboard when all the sudden they are living on their own and free to do what they want. I was really worried.

Well BYU-I did her wonders! I'm not kidding and I'm not being rude. She was blessed with incredible roommates who loved her and were kind to her and helped her out so much. She has had a wonderful experience here and I am so glad. She deserves it.

She got married last year to a boy who fits her perfectly. They are darling together.

This cousin, who continues to live in humble circumstances (they finally got a car and a bed after about 6 months of mariage) is one of the happiest people I know. I honestly can say I have never heard her complain once. Before they got a car, her husband used to ride his bike in the freezing cold to his 4:00 am job and they slept on an air mattress. 6 months! I even brought it up with her once and she just said how the air mattress was very comfortable and they were grateful they didn't live too far from her husband's job. Not one complaint! She will hear of successes in the family or fun vacations others are going on and she only has said how happy she is for them. Never once has she said, "I wish I could do that" or "I wish I had money for that" or anything like that.

She's incredible.

There were only four of us who were able to come to her baby shower and yet she just couldn't believe how much baby stuff she got.

Her baby probably has very few things that are brand new but all she has talked about is how grateful she is that people have been so generous and so giving. Never once did she say she wished she could go buy brand new things for her baby. She is simply so grateful.

We got to the hospital today and she stood up to give my mom a hug! I couldn't believe it! I told her she didn't need to get out of bed- she just had a baby!

This cousin who has never had much herself, doesn't want for anything. She is happy and content with her life. The smallest acts of kindness are mountains to her. She is so appreciative of everything. It's unreal. Honestly, sometimes I'm just in "awe."

She amazes me. She has taught me so much just by example and by the way she lives her life. She has a solid testimony of the gospel and she is so happy.

This cousin who I used to think was different and awkward has become one of the greatest examples to me and I feel so blessed to know her. I love her so much.

So what I'm trying to say is, I'm still learning. There are so many ways I can be better and do better. My cousin has humbled me and helped me realize that true happiness can be found anywhere and that it's a choice.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you I needed to hear this. She is amazing, and as dad always says, "It's what YOU make of it!"
