Wednesday, April 4, 2012


BIG news in our home! We are expecting our second child and we are sooo happy :) !!!
We found out we were pregnant on Valentines day (awe), it was perfect! We cried and hugged each other and felt like we were floating that whole day.

It's amazing how things work out. I told my husband months and months ago that if I could pick when I'd like our next child to be born I told him October or November is what I would love. Well, everything worked out because we are due October 16th! We are truly feeling so humbled and so blessed. It is an answer to our prayers.

I love the bond I have instantly felt with my children when finding out I was pregnant. It's so spiritual. My husband felt a really strong bond instantly with our last child and it's fun to physically see it now. They truly are best buddies and they do share a very special bond that touches my heart. I have felt that strong bond with this child. A year or so ago, when talking somewhat casually with my husband over dinner about the future and talking about our family, I all the sudden felt so close to whoever was going to be born to us next. I got teary and felt such a strong connection. It was really a spiritual experience for me. And now, much time has passed since then and I very much still feel that same strong bond carrying my child. We went to the doctor together as a family to hear the heartbeat and I couldn't hold back the tears when the baby showed up on the screen. Relief, humility, love, sacredness, and happiness flooded through me and my family at that moment. My husband squeezed my hand and that was all the message I needed to know he felt the same way.

Now, this is not to say I didn't feel a special connection with our first child or that my husband hasn't with this child. That would not be true. I'm just writing down some of our experiences.

Motherhood is a journey. I'm constantly learning new things from my daughter everyday and she is helping me grow to be a better person. I've read this a couple places and have found it to be oh so true:
"While we are teaching our children all about life,
our children are teaching us what life is all about."
I love that. I have found that daily I am having to say "I'm sorry" to my daughter about something I did wrong or should have done a different way or done better. I'm learning. My daughter is patient and my testimony has grown so strong that we truly are to become as little children.

I'm so grateful to be a mommy and to be able to give my daughter a sibling. My sister told me that she always had a hard time understanding how Heavenly Father could love us all equally. She said she didn't understand it until she had her second child. Then she knew. She knew how He could love one child just as much as another. I can testify to that already. I love my family!

Families are Forever

1 comment:

  1. So wonderful!! That's so exciting for you guys! I hope you are feeling okay and are able to get some rest. We'll talk more soon...Congrats!
