Saturday, September 10, 2011

Answered prayers

I'm not really sure where to start. It's been a fantastic week! So many wonderful things happened that I want to write down so I never forget them.
To start off with, we have made friends with our next door neighbors, Paula and Ryan. They are awesome! (Paula attends PA school with my husband) I know we are neighbors for a reason. It's not coincidence. We have hung out a few times and we have a blast. They are not of our faith and we lead different lives but when we're all together our common interests come out and we have a great time.
Okay so here's the last week in a nutshell:
Sunday I was sruggling. Really struggling. Not happy, didn't feel spiritual, wo is me, no self esteem type of day. Well a sweetheart named Sarah from the ward started talking to me and was such an answer to my prayers. We clicked so fast and she was such an angel. She told me how sweet I was and that I was beautiful and how I was welcome to come over to her house anytime. I cannot even explain how much she did for me that day. She was an answer to my prayers. (Side note: Saturday I was struggling too and a senior missionary couple stopped by with some cookies. They brought such an added Spirit to our home. They were very inspired!)
Monday we invited Paula and Ryan to our ward cook out and they came! We were thrilled and it turned out great.
Tuesday I got a lot of errands and things at home done. Felt good.
Wednesday a group of ladies from the ward were taking their kids to a playhouse and I wasn't going to go but I got a sweet message from Sarah on FB asking me to go and something inside me told me I should go so last minute decision we went! I'm so glad I listened to that prompting- not only was it great to get out and have some adult conversation with ladies in the same boat as me, but I really made some great friends! I also got a hair appointment out of it! Then later that day my friend Gel texted me and asked when we could get together with our kids. So many prayers answered. I've been feeling alone and lonely lately so all these ladies don't know how much they have helped! Also, that night when my hubs got home he said he was able to share a lot about the gospel with one of his classmates. :) He was so happy! I loved seeing and hearing the extra joy in his voice and expressions when he told me about it.
Thursday I went to institute and then ran to do my hair appointment I had scheduled. It turned out great and the lady loved her hair! Then that evening Paula came over and I cut her hair and she just stayed and chatted with my husband and I for about an hour. Which again was an answer to prayers because before she came I prayed that she would feel the Spirit in our home and want to stay. She did :) Also, my friend Sarah called asking for a haircut. Which I was quite surprised because she's friends with another lady in the ward who does hair. But I'm not complaining! I will be thrilled to do it.
Friday I was content to be at home in the morning. I usually like to go go go in the mornings and get things done. For some reason I was content at home. And now I know why. Carrie, the lady who's hair I did thursday is going through a rough time right now, and she texted me that morning to see if i'd be around to watch her kids for an hour or two. Perfect! I have been praying for ways to be able to serve. I watched her 3 darling kids and my daughter was in heaven with other kids around. Later that afternoon I was at Nicholes house and she told me my husband and I hadn't been on a date in a while and she'd be more than willing to watch our daughter. Can people get any sweeter? Then later that night we went to Paula and Ryans for dinner, came home and put our daughter to bed, then they came over to our house and played games til almost 11. Fun times!
Saturday (today) my husband cleaned the whole house for me while I went to the store. Then we took our daughter to Nicholes house and we went on a date to Target and to the park.

I honestly cannot even say how much this week has been an answer to prayers in so many different ways. Prayers of contentment, being happy, being able to serve others, staying busy... The Lords hand is in every tiny detail of our lives. I know that. We need to recognize that and have faith that He knows what we need and what is best for us.

I don't want to forget the incredible learning experiences I've had this past week. My eyes have been opened to a lot of different things. This post doesn't do justice to everything that happened as it's just the very basics without detail but it will be enough to help me remember for myself.

Life is good!!!


  1. I have lonely days too. Sometimes it's really hard to have a busy husband and no family around (especially when you're used to having a lot of family around). I'm so glad you're making friends, helping others, and not staying shut up at home! Those things always help me too! You are wonderful!

  2. I have had many days and weeks like you have explained, while getting through school! And sometimes I struggled with knowing that life was good unless I was happy, but life is good all the time. I also relied on service, and it was my biggest desire, was to pray to help people or be somewhere at the right time and place. My prayers were always answered, just like yours! Great update! :)
