Tuesday, October 18, 2011

more paper crafting

One of my favorite sites- theidearoom.net has some wonderful diy decorating ideas. I attempted to make these "flower balls" (if you will) and I'm acually quite pleased with how they turned out. Made out of crepe paper and styrofoam balls and pins.

Okay honestly this red one looks much better in real life. It's not as bright as the camera made it look but I still wanted to put it on here.

I love this white one! I just haven't decided what to do with it yet...

Tissue paper pom poms hanging above my daughters crib! I got this idea from my awesome sis-in-law Traci and I'm so happy with it. Truthfully, I didn't do a very good job, they aren't at all how the tutorial showed they should end up, but hey my daughter isn't too picky and neither am I :) I'm sure the ones Traci did are the real deal. (You'll have to teach me Trac!)

Paper flower boquet for my girls room :)

Our table centerpiece.

Who knew so many awesome things could be done with paper? I decorated my daughters room for $7.00!

Life is good!


  1. Um hello! You are the queen of bargain-crafting. If it were cool to put flowers in a little boy's room, I'd totally be copying your flower ball idea. Maybe I'll try it for my living room???

  2. It all looks awesome! Your pom-poms look WAY better than mine! How cute. And I am also stealing the kissing balls idea.
