I don't want to go into detail or write down all the ways the respect, moral, and virtue of womanhood is spiraling downward at a fast pace. It's all around us, it's easy to see and I simply don't feel the need to mention it. But my heart has felt a bit heavy yet so passionate about this topic lately. It has been on my mind a great deal. Not only have I thought about womanhood in general as a whole, but what kind of a woman I am. Am I polite? Ladylike? Do I use manners? Do I understand my role as a woman? What is my daughter learning about womanhood from my example? In what areas have I become casual? How is my confidence level? We as mothers, sisters, daughters, aunts, friends, granddaughters, cousins, visiting teachers...etc have such a crucial and sacred role! I cannot express my belief and knowledge on that enough. We have a divine purpose! We are daughters of Heavenly Father. He loves us so much. We are wanted. We are needed. We are in no way inferior or superior to men but we are equal, and we each have sacred purposes and responsibilities. We need each other. It's wonderful!
My mom and I were driving in the car the other day and we were discussing this same topic. I was talking about the past when woman were so ladylike and had wonderful manners and men were gentlemen. I then asked, "When did all that go away?" My dear mom then said, "When woman allowed it." I believe that's true. A man can only be a gentleman when we give him the opportunity. So, that night I tested my husband :) We were going on a date and when we walked outside to get into the car to leave I just stood by my door. He had his door open and was about to sit down when he looked at me standing by my door. My message was clear and I tell you, he hopped out of that car so fast :) He walked over and opened my door for me and I kindly said "Thank you." That was it. Nothing big but I'm trying to recognize what I can do to be more ladylike and to allow my husband to be a gentleman. (Though I can assure you he already is in many ways.)
This book, Daughters in My Kingdom is full of stories of the woman of the church and the work, spirituality, and charity they have provided to endless amounts of people. It's amazing. I have learned so much. The Lord always prepares His people for things to come. I believe often times He gives us answers to problems before they arise. This book was published two years ago and when I think of the disturbing things I've heard or seen recently that are directed to woman I cannot help but say that I know this book is here to help us as woman in the world today. The church was so inspired to write it. It has already helped me in so many ways. As I was reading from it today I thought of my husband, and the tender spot he has in his heart for our daughter. Tears came to my eyes as I thought of our Heavenly Father. I think He has a tender spot in His heart for all of His daughters. I believe it's true. I'm holding that thought safely tucked inside my heart.
I am a woman. A daughter of a Heavenly King. My divine potential is so much more vast and glorious than my finite mind can comprehend. I love and find great joy in my role as a woman. I know He has a specific purpose and plan for me. I have been so blessed to be surrounded by stalwart women who have understood and passionately devoted themselves to their sacred calling. We are of great, great worth and we are in an eternal partnership with Him. Isn't that beautiful?
Love your insights. We are so blessed to be daughters of God and when we feel and find our divine nature, we are at peace and so grateful to be His.