I've had a lot of reminders lately of what's most important in life. It's been wonderful. I have really felt the Spirit working through me and it's been very rewarding and uplifting.
The biggest thing on my mind right now is our conversation last night with our neighbor, Paula. She is such a sweetheart and a very dear friend. She came over to study with my husband because they go to school together. *Now let me back track for a minute- we've been in this missionary sunday school class and it's been incredible and I'm really being missionary minded and trying to open my mouth more. So, as Paula was here last night I asked my husband when we were speaking in church to hopefully stir up a conversation. Paula started asking questions and we talked about her church and our church for almost two hours. She didn't go back to her house til a quarter to midnight. It was so neat. The three of us sat in the living room and had a very respectful discussion about our religions asking and answering each others questions. I loved every minute of it. Our conversation is all I've been able to think about since then.
Then just barely I finished reading a friends blog who is pregnant but there are complications and it's a very extremely slim chance the baby will make it to birth. In her blog she is writing letters to her baby. It's so tender and so inspiring. I had my husband read some of them and he teared up too.
My daughter has done some of the sweetest things lately. She knows how to suck in her cheeks and make a fish face. so the other day she kept doing her fish face to me and pointing at the cupboard and then I realized what she was trying to communicate to me- she wanted her goldfish crackers :)
Yesterday as I was putting my daughter down for her nap I just wanted to hold her. I needed her, needed to snuggle with her and just have that bond for a minute. So instead of my usual routine I just held her until she fell asleep. I haven't done that in forever and it felt so good. She opened her eyes when I layed her down so I stroked her forhead and swept the hair off her face and then she fell asleep so peacefully.
We always sing a song, pray, and read scriptures before bedtime. I love that my daughter will sometimes fold her arms right after we sing because she knows it's time for prayer. I love that she points to the scriptures and says "Jesus." We didn't teach her that but she knows. I was in a hurry one evening to go somewhere so I suggested to atleast have family prayer before I left and then my husband and daughter could read scriptures later when it got closer to bedtime. Well, after family prayer my daughter got up and went and grabbed the scriptures. My heart melted. Children's spirits are so sensitive. It's no wonder we are told to be like them. They understand a lot.
I love my family. We are all healthy and happy and I couldn't ask for more.
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
more paper crafting
One of my favorite sites- theidearoom.net has some wonderful diy decorating ideas. I attempted to make these "flower balls" (if you will) and I'm acually quite pleased with how they turned out. Made out of crepe paper and styrofoam balls and pins.
Okay honestly this red one looks much better in real life. It's not as bright as the camera made it look but I still wanted to put it on here.
I love this white one! I just haven't decided what to do with it yet...
Tissue paper pom poms hanging above my daughters crib! I got this idea from my awesome sis-in-law Traci and I'm so happy with it. Truthfully, I didn't do a very good job, they aren't at all how the tutorial showed they should end up, but hey my daughter isn't too picky and neither am I :) I'm sure the ones Traci did are the real deal. (You'll have to teach me Trac!)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Fall is starting to make its way here. The air is a bit more crisp, the temperature has started dropping to the 60's and low 70's. The tree's are starting to change to their vibrant fall colors and some leaves are starting to fall, pumpkin patches are around, fall festivals, people wearing sweaters and scarfs, and in our house- a whole lot of hot chocolate :). I love it. I absolutely love it! I told my husband yesterday that we need to move east for every fall season. Unless you've been here in the fall you can only imagine it, which does not suffice. This is my second fall back east and there are few things to compare to it's beauty. It's gorgeous and I'm happy to be where I am.
These last few weeks have been sooo great. We've been busier than usual and it's been wonderful. We've gotten out of the house a lot more and I've been working on some crafts and playing with friends and meeting new people. Hooray!
Last week we received a package from my sister who totally spoiled us and it made me cry. It was such a blessing. She sent us things that we need and even then some. She is awesome and she has one of the most giving hearts I've known. She'll do anything for anyone.
A simple but neat story happened the other day that I want to jot down for my memory. I signed up to take a meal to a family that had just had a baby. Well, I knew evenings were busy and this family lived 20 minutes away so I decided to take them a meal at lunch so they could eat it then or freeze it or whatever they wanted. Then that afternoon I was at a park with a friend and to make a long story short she needed help with food for dinner and I had been wanting her to try a recipe of mine so I suggested I would bring dinner over. And I did. Anyway, the point of this story is that while I was preparing dinner for my friend the thought came to me that I was supposed to give dinner to that family who had a baby earlier in the day like I did because this other family needed my help in the evening. I'm so grateful for the Lord's hand in my everyday life and for working through me when sometimes I don't even realize it until later on.
Then just last Sunday, the bishop asked us to go to a new sunday school class. A ward missionary class. It was awesome. So imspiring. The teacher (who goes to school with my husband) gave some great ideas about being missionaries here and invited us to read a talk called "creating a gospel sharing home" from april 2006. I read it and I recommend it to everyone. It put the same fire in me that I felt in that class. During that class the teacher said something to the effect of, "this class can just be another class where you go through the motions, or it can really be life changing." I felt the Spirit so strong there, I had a hard time holding back tears. I want it to be life changing for me. I want to get out of my comfort zone and share the gospel with everyone- let them know how much joy it's brought to my life. I'm going to do it!
These last few weeks have been sooo great. We've been busier than usual and it's been wonderful. We've gotten out of the house a lot more and I've been working on some crafts and playing with friends and meeting new people. Hooray!
Last week we received a package from my sister who totally spoiled us and it made me cry. It was such a blessing. She sent us things that we need and even then some. She is awesome and she has one of the most giving hearts I've known. She'll do anything for anyone.
A simple but neat story happened the other day that I want to jot down for my memory. I signed up to take a meal to a family that had just had a baby. Well, I knew evenings were busy and this family lived 20 minutes away so I decided to take them a meal at lunch so they could eat it then or freeze it or whatever they wanted. Then that afternoon I was at a park with a friend and to make a long story short she needed help with food for dinner and I had been wanting her to try a recipe of mine so I suggested I would bring dinner over. And I did. Anyway, the point of this story is that while I was preparing dinner for my friend the thought came to me that I was supposed to give dinner to that family who had a baby earlier in the day like I did because this other family needed my help in the evening. I'm so grateful for the Lord's hand in my everyday life and for working through me when sometimes I don't even realize it until later on.
Then just last Sunday, the bishop asked us to go to a new sunday school class. A ward missionary class. It was awesome. So imspiring. The teacher (who goes to school with my husband) gave some great ideas about being missionaries here and invited us to read a talk called "creating a gospel sharing home" from april 2006. I read it and I recommend it to everyone. It put the same fire in me that I felt in that class. During that class the teacher said something to the effect of, "this class can just be another class where you go through the motions, or it can really be life changing." I felt the Spirit so strong there, I had a hard time holding back tears. I want it to be life changing for me. I want to get out of my comfort zone and share the gospel with everyone- let them know how much joy it's brought to my life. I'm going to do it!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Standard of Truth
I remember my brother quoting "the standard of truth" in a talk he gave some 4- 5 years ago. The talk was incredible and the Spirit so strong when he quoted it. One of those moments I'll always remember because of the Spirit bearing witness to my spirit. A neat experience.
Lately, this standard of truth has been on my mind a lot. So the last couple days I have worked to memorize it. I am proud to say I can quote it now from memory.
"The standard of truth has been erected; No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penerated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."
-Joseph Smith
Lately, this standard of truth has been on my mind a lot. So the last couple days I have worked to memorize it. I am proud to say I can quote it now from memory.
"The standard of truth has been erected; No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penerated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."
-Joseph Smith
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