Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Jamin's Downtown Disney Flashmob Proposal
Maybe I need to tell my husband he needs to re- propose... :)
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Sunday, November 20, 2011
The Book of Mormon
Well writing what I'm grateful for everyday became unrealistic when our internet stopped working for quite some time. However, I have so much to be grateful for lately. So many neat things have happened. So here goes...
In church we finished our 6 week missionary sunday school class. The first week we had it the teacher said that it could be an ordinary class like all others or this could really be a life changing class. The Spirit was so strong and I was determined to make it a life changing class for me. Well, I did it. And I'm still doing it. As my husband and I have prayed for missionary opportunities, they have come. I have opened my mouth more, my testimony has strengthened and my faith has increased. I've never given a Book of Mormon to anyone, and that was one of the challenges in the class- to give one out. This last week, I gave out three. It felt sooo good! And I'm learning that the more I share the gospel the more I want to. The first Book of Mormon I gave out was to our mechanic. He was so kind and so willing to work with my schedule so I told him so then asked if he would take the book. He took the book, and it was that simple. The other two I gave out were to some dear, dear friends I have known for a few years. The mom and sister of the mother whose children I nannied for a few years ago. (Hopefully that made sense). The sister asked a lot of questions and we talked about the gospel for a while and she was very complimentry, saying how impressed she was that I have always seemed so sure about myself and where I'm going and what life is all about. It was really neat to talk to her and it only brought our relationship closer. Now, my prayer is that they will read.
Our teachers from the missionary class took the same challenges they extended and because they did so, Barbara was baptized today. We have a new member of our church. She attends school with my husband (and the teacher of this missionary class) and she is from Brazil. The Spirit was so strong and the members were so supportive. My husband said he has never seen a ward support a baptism like this or fellowship the way our ward has. There must have been about 50 people at her baptism. It was so neat. She was absolutely glowing and pure joy was her countenance. She has embraced the gospel and once I got to sit in on one of the missionary discussions with her and she said, "it's just so beautiful." I love that. It truly is. The gospel is beautiful.
Another neat thing that happened lately is we had the missionaries over for dinner. When they were sharing a message with us they told us that as they were praying and studying that morning about all the families they were going to visit they had a strong impression about our family. They said they felt strongly that there is someone we know who is ready to accept the gospel. I got so excited! I then, of course, was racking my brain of who it might be. Maybe it's someone I gave a Book of Mormon to? We are trying to do our part to find out.
Tonight, just a few minutes ago, I finished reading the Book of Mormon. This time I read it with the Book of Mormon study guide- the student manual. This time, reading it with the manual, has helped me understand the Book of Mormon better than the other times I have read it through. My understanding and testimony of the Book of Mormon has grown mounds. I encourage everyone to read it with the study guide if possible. (you can get it online or at a distribution center) I know the Book of Mormon is true. It brings joy, peace, righteous desires, humility, faith, and all things good. It has the power to change lives and it truly is from God. I love the Book of Mormon. It is a huge part of me and I know it is the keystone of our religion. What a blessing it has been for me and my family.
Life is good!
In church we finished our 6 week missionary sunday school class. The first week we had it the teacher said that it could be an ordinary class like all others or this could really be a life changing class. The Spirit was so strong and I was determined to make it a life changing class for me. Well, I did it. And I'm still doing it. As my husband and I have prayed for missionary opportunities, they have come. I have opened my mouth more, my testimony has strengthened and my faith has increased. I've never given a Book of Mormon to anyone, and that was one of the challenges in the class- to give one out. This last week, I gave out three. It felt sooo good! And I'm learning that the more I share the gospel the more I want to. The first Book of Mormon I gave out was to our mechanic. He was so kind and so willing to work with my schedule so I told him so then asked if he would take the book. He took the book, and it was that simple. The other two I gave out were to some dear, dear friends I have known for a few years. The mom and sister of the mother whose children I nannied for a few years ago. (Hopefully that made sense). The sister asked a lot of questions and we talked about the gospel for a while and she was very complimentry, saying how impressed she was that I have always seemed so sure about myself and where I'm going and what life is all about. It was really neat to talk to her and it only brought our relationship closer. Now, my prayer is that they will read.
Our teachers from the missionary class took the same challenges they extended and because they did so, Barbara was baptized today. We have a new member of our church. She attends school with my husband (and the teacher of this missionary class) and she is from Brazil. The Spirit was so strong and the members were so supportive. My husband said he has never seen a ward support a baptism like this or fellowship the way our ward has. There must have been about 50 people at her baptism. It was so neat. She was absolutely glowing and pure joy was her countenance. She has embraced the gospel and once I got to sit in on one of the missionary discussions with her and she said, "it's just so beautiful." I love that. It truly is. The gospel is beautiful.
Another neat thing that happened lately is we had the missionaries over for dinner. When they were sharing a message with us they told us that as they were praying and studying that morning about all the families they were going to visit they had a strong impression about our family. They said they felt strongly that there is someone we know who is ready to accept the gospel. I got so excited! I then, of course, was racking my brain of who it might be. Maybe it's someone I gave a Book of Mormon to? We are trying to do our part to find out.
Tonight, just a few minutes ago, I finished reading the Book of Mormon. This time I read it with the Book of Mormon study guide- the student manual. This time, reading it with the manual, has helped me understand the Book of Mormon better than the other times I have read it through. My understanding and testimony of the Book of Mormon has grown mounds. I encourage everyone to read it with the study guide if possible. (you can get it online or at a distribution center) I know the Book of Mormon is true. It brings joy, peace, righteous desires, humility, faith, and all things good. It has the power to change lives and it truly is from God. I love the Book of Mormon. It is a huge part of me and I know it is the keystone of our religion. What a blessing it has been for me and my family.
Life is good!
Saturday, November 5, 2011
Day 5
Today I am grateful for:
- Thrift stores. I got a great deal on a couple things today! :)
- Family time. Usually I pretty much have to think of school as 6 days a week. This afternoon, however my family took off to visit Peddlers Village. It's darling! Lots of cute little shops and today they had a band playing and food booths set up with apple cider, caramel apples, apple butter...etc. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves there and then took our daughter to Giggleberry- an awesome place for kids and we let her run around and play with all the toys. What a great day!!
Friday, November 4, 2011
Day 4
Today I am grateful for:
- The beautiful trees and my eye sight. As I've said before, there is nothing like fall time back east. It's just something everyone needs to see. I took my daughter to one of our favorite parks today and the trees were gorgeous. It was late afternoon when we went so the sun was coming down and hitting the leaves just right. I really was in "awe" for a moment. I'm so grateful that I get to see Heavenly Father's beautiful creations.
Thursday, November 3, 2011
Day 3
Today I am grateful for:
- Relief Sociey. We had a very spiritually uplifting activity about grattitude and all the sisters got grattitude journals to write in. I love the sisters in my ward- we are all very diverse but yet in the gospel we're the same and we have so much to learn from each other.
- Institute. I attended institute this morning and I look forward to it every thursday.
- A healthy family. We are all healthy and happy. What more can I ask for?
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Day 2
Today I am grateful for...
- My friend Lynette. She suggested I bring my daughter to her house so I could go out and get some shopping done that I needed to do for our R.S. activity tomorrow night. She has been sooo kind to me and so thoughtful. I truly am so grateful for her in my life right now. She is a great example to me of so many things, always asking me if I'm doing okay, if I need any help, if I'm feeling overwhelmed, giving me tips on things... etc. She is awesome!!
- The library! We got some great dvd's today and I got a puzzle for my daughter out of the free bin!
- Christmas music. Yes, Christmas music is starting to fill our home and I love it :) Today I played the Forgotten Carols, one of my favs!
- My family.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
A month of grattitude- Day 1
today i am thankful for:
- my husband coming home early from school. a quarter to five! it has got to be a record!
- music. my daughter and i were home all day and it sure helped me out today
- the scriptures. tonight i read in the book of mormon chapter 8. moroni was writing to us in the latter days pleading for us to keep the commandments of god and to search the scriptures. i have thought lately about how much joy the gospel brings us and that happiness really has nothing to do with money. i already have everything i need to make me be the happiest girl alive, the gospel, and the blessings of the temple.
- my sweet daughter teaching me patience today :)
p.s. our internet is not working so i wrote this post texting from my phone. hence all the wrong grammar.
life is good
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Jumble of thoughts
I've had a lot of reminders lately of what's most important in life. It's been wonderful. I have really felt the Spirit working through me and it's been very rewarding and uplifting.
The biggest thing on my mind right now is our conversation last night with our neighbor, Paula. She is such a sweetheart and a very dear friend. She came over to study with my husband because they go to school together. *Now let me back track for a minute- we've been in this missionary sunday school class and it's been incredible and I'm really being missionary minded and trying to open my mouth more. So, as Paula was here last night I asked my husband when we were speaking in church to hopefully stir up a conversation. Paula started asking questions and we talked about her church and our church for almost two hours. She didn't go back to her house til a quarter to midnight. It was so neat. The three of us sat in the living room and had a very respectful discussion about our religions asking and answering each others questions. I loved every minute of it. Our conversation is all I've been able to think about since then.
Then just barely I finished reading a friends blog who is pregnant but there are complications and it's a very extremely slim chance the baby will make it to birth. In her blog she is writing letters to her baby. It's so tender and so inspiring. I had my husband read some of them and he teared up too.
My daughter has done some of the sweetest things lately. She knows how to suck in her cheeks and make a fish face. so the other day she kept doing her fish face to me and pointing at the cupboard and then I realized what she was trying to communicate to me- she wanted her goldfish crackers :)
Yesterday as I was putting my daughter down for her nap I just wanted to hold her. I needed her, needed to snuggle with her and just have that bond for a minute. So instead of my usual routine I just held her until she fell asleep. I haven't done that in forever and it felt so good. She opened her eyes when I layed her down so I stroked her forhead and swept the hair off her face and then she fell asleep so peacefully.
We always sing a song, pray, and read scriptures before bedtime. I love that my daughter will sometimes fold her arms right after we sing because she knows it's time for prayer. I love that she points to the scriptures and says "Jesus." We didn't teach her that but she knows. I was in a hurry one evening to go somewhere so I suggested to atleast have family prayer before I left and then my husband and daughter could read scriptures later when it got closer to bedtime. Well, after family prayer my daughter got up and went and grabbed the scriptures. My heart melted. Children's spirits are so sensitive. It's no wonder we are told to be like them. They understand a lot.
I love my family. We are all healthy and happy and I couldn't ask for more.
The biggest thing on my mind right now is our conversation last night with our neighbor, Paula. She is such a sweetheart and a very dear friend. She came over to study with my husband because they go to school together. *Now let me back track for a minute- we've been in this missionary sunday school class and it's been incredible and I'm really being missionary minded and trying to open my mouth more. So, as Paula was here last night I asked my husband when we were speaking in church to hopefully stir up a conversation. Paula started asking questions and we talked about her church and our church for almost two hours. She didn't go back to her house til a quarter to midnight. It was so neat. The three of us sat in the living room and had a very respectful discussion about our religions asking and answering each others questions. I loved every minute of it. Our conversation is all I've been able to think about since then.
Then just barely I finished reading a friends blog who is pregnant but there are complications and it's a very extremely slim chance the baby will make it to birth. In her blog she is writing letters to her baby. It's so tender and so inspiring. I had my husband read some of them and he teared up too.
My daughter has done some of the sweetest things lately. She knows how to suck in her cheeks and make a fish face. so the other day she kept doing her fish face to me and pointing at the cupboard and then I realized what she was trying to communicate to me- she wanted her goldfish crackers :)
Yesterday as I was putting my daughter down for her nap I just wanted to hold her. I needed her, needed to snuggle with her and just have that bond for a minute. So instead of my usual routine I just held her until she fell asleep. I haven't done that in forever and it felt so good. She opened her eyes when I layed her down so I stroked her forhead and swept the hair off her face and then she fell asleep so peacefully.
We always sing a song, pray, and read scriptures before bedtime. I love that my daughter will sometimes fold her arms right after we sing because she knows it's time for prayer. I love that she points to the scriptures and says "Jesus." We didn't teach her that but she knows. I was in a hurry one evening to go somewhere so I suggested to atleast have family prayer before I left and then my husband and daughter could read scriptures later when it got closer to bedtime. Well, after family prayer my daughter got up and went and grabbed the scriptures. My heart melted. Children's spirits are so sensitive. It's no wonder we are told to be like them. They understand a lot.
I love my family. We are all healthy and happy and I couldn't ask for more.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
more paper crafting
One of my favorite sites- theidearoom.net has some wonderful diy decorating ideas. I attempted to make these "flower balls" (if you will) and I'm acually quite pleased with how they turned out. Made out of crepe paper and styrofoam balls and pins.
Okay honestly this red one looks much better in real life. It's not as bright as the camera made it look but I still wanted to put it on here.
I love this white one! I just haven't decided what to do with it yet...
Tissue paper pom poms hanging above my daughters crib! I got this idea from my awesome sis-in-law Traci and I'm so happy with it. Truthfully, I didn't do a very good job, they aren't at all how the tutorial showed they should end up, but hey my daughter isn't too picky and neither am I :) I'm sure the ones Traci did are the real deal. (You'll have to teach me Trac!)
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Fall is starting to make its way here. The air is a bit more crisp, the temperature has started dropping to the 60's and low 70's. The tree's are starting to change to their vibrant fall colors and some leaves are starting to fall, pumpkin patches are around, fall festivals, people wearing sweaters and scarfs, and in our house- a whole lot of hot chocolate :). I love it. I absolutely love it! I told my husband yesterday that we need to move east for every fall season. Unless you've been here in the fall you can only imagine it, which does not suffice. This is my second fall back east and there are few things to compare to it's beauty. It's gorgeous and I'm happy to be where I am.
These last few weeks have been sooo great. We've been busier than usual and it's been wonderful. We've gotten out of the house a lot more and I've been working on some crafts and playing with friends and meeting new people. Hooray!
Last week we received a package from my sister who totally spoiled us and it made me cry. It was such a blessing. She sent us things that we need and even then some. She is awesome and she has one of the most giving hearts I've known. She'll do anything for anyone.
A simple but neat story happened the other day that I want to jot down for my memory. I signed up to take a meal to a family that had just had a baby. Well, I knew evenings were busy and this family lived 20 minutes away so I decided to take them a meal at lunch so they could eat it then or freeze it or whatever they wanted. Then that afternoon I was at a park with a friend and to make a long story short she needed help with food for dinner and I had been wanting her to try a recipe of mine so I suggested I would bring dinner over. And I did. Anyway, the point of this story is that while I was preparing dinner for my friend the thought came to me that I was supposed to give dinner to that family who had a baby earlier in the day like I did because this other family needed my help in the evening. I'm so grateful for the Lord's hand in my everyday life and for working through me when sometimes I don't even realize it until later on.
Then just last Sunday, the bishop asked us to go to a new sunday school class. A ward missionary class. It was awesome. So imspiring. The teacher (who goes to school with my husband) gave some great ideas about being missionaries here and invited us to read a talk called "creating a gospel sharing home" from april 2006. I read it and I recommend it to everyone. It put the same fire in me that I felt in that class. During that class the teacher said something to the effect of, "this class can just be another class where you go through the motions, or it can really be life changing." I felt the Spirit so strong there, I had a hard time holding back tears. I want it to be life changing for me. I want to get out of my comfort zone and share the gospel with everyone- let them know how much joy it's brought to my life. I'm going to do it!
These last few weeks have been sooo great. We've been busier than usual and it's been wonderful. We've gotten out of the house a lot more and I've been working on some crafts and playing with friends and meeting new people. Hooray!
Last week we received a package from my sister who totally spoiled us and it made me cry. It was such a blessing. She sent us things that we need and even then some. She is awesome and she has one of the most giving hearts I've known. She'll do anything for anyone.
A simple but neat story happened the other day that I want to jot down for my memory. I signed up to take a meal to a family that had just had a baby. Well, I knew evenings were busy and this family lived 20 minutes away so I decided to take them a meal at lunch so they could eat it then or freeze it or whatever they wanted. Then that afternoon I was at a park with a friend and to make a long story short she needed help with food for dinner and I had been wanting her to try a recipe of mine so I suggested I would bring dinner over. And I did. Anyway, the point of this story is that while I was preparing dinner for my friend the thought came to me that I was supposed to give dinner to that family who had a baby earlier in the day like I did because this other family needed my help in the evening. I'm so grateful for the Lord's hand in my everyday life and for working through me when sometimes I don't even realize it until later on.
Then just last Sunday, the bishop asked us to go to a new sunday school class. A ward missionary class. It was awesome. So imspiring. The teacher (who goes to school with my husband) gave some great ideas about being missionaries here and invited us to read a talk called "creating a gospel sharing home" from april 2006. I read it and I recommend it to everyone. It put the same fire in me that I felt in that class. During that class the teacher said something to the effect of, "this class can just be another class where you go through the motions, or it can really be life changing." I felt the Spirit so strong there, I had a hard time holding back tears. I want it to be life changing for me. I want to get out of my comfort zone and share the gospel with everyone- let them know how much joy it's brought to my life. I'm going to do it!
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Standard of Truth
I remember my brother quoting "the standard of truth" in a talk he gave some 4- 5 years ago. The talk was incredible and the Spirit so strong when he quoted it. One of those moments I'll always remember because of the Spirit bearing witness to my spirit. A neat experience.
Lately, this standard of truth has been on my mind a lot. So the last couple days I have worked to memorize it. I am proud to say I can quote it now from memory.
"The standard of truth has been erected; No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penerated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."
-Joseph Smith
Lately, this standard of truth has been on my mind a lot. So the last couple days I have worked to memorize it. I am proud to say I can quote it now from memory.
"The standard of truth has been erected; No unhallowed hand can stop the work from progressing; persecutions may rage, mobs may combine, armies may assemble, calumny may defame, but the truth of God will go forth boldly, nobly, and independent, till it has penerated every continent, visited every clime, swept every country, and sounded in every ear, till the purposes of God shall be accomplished, and the Great Jehovah shall say the work is done."
-Joseph Smith
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Forget Me Not
For anyone who had the privilege of attending/watching/listening to the General Relief Society Broadcast, I doubt they will ever look at a Forget Me Not the same way again.
I sure won't.
And I feel safe to say that President Uchtdorf's talk was amongst everyone's favorite and one that we all feel we needed to hear. It was applicable to everyone in so many ways and I wouldn't be surprised if everyone felt the way I did after the talk- feeling like that talk was given just for me.
The sweet tiny Forget Me Not flower has always had a special meaning to me and after this talk the special meaning has only grown deeper.
I remember as a little girl my mom pointing out the flower to me when we were up at our family cabin in Island Park. She told me what it was called and that it was her favorite flower. Every summer since then, I have always specifically looked for that flower and have loved it myself. The memories I have of seeing it the most are at Railroad Bridge (as my family calls it) and at the end of floating down the river right by the dock at Macks Inn.
So, as President Uchtodorf started talking about this sweet Forget Me Not flower my thoughts immediately went to my mom and to the cabin. My eyes filled with tears and I got so homesick for my mom and for the beautiful pines and the sweet smell of them, the majestic mountains and the quietness of the evenings in Island park. Floating down the river, taking a walk to the meadow, making a fire at night, playing games with my family, etc...
Then President Uchtodorf gave us five things to never forget- symbolic of five petals on a Forget Me Not flower. So, I want to write them down and I hope I will never forget them.
1. Be patient with myself.
2. Understand the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.
3. Be happy now.
4. Know the 'why' of the gospel.
5. The Lord loves me.
*The other thing I want to remember for my memory is going to the Philadelphia temple groundbreaking ceremony. To go to the actual site was by invitation only as space was limited so we went to the church and watched it on the tv. It was wonderful. And I just have to say, it has been such a sweet spiritual experience and privilege to see everyone's excitement about a temple being built here. It brings tears to my eyes because it's talked about so much in the church by the members and you honestly can just feel everyone's excitement about the temple. It's so neat. I love it. I don't want it to ever change.
I sure won't.
And I feel safe to say that President Uchtdorf's talk was amongst everyone's favorite and one that we all feel we needed to hear. It was applicable to everyone in so many ways and I wouldn't be surprised if everyone felt the way I did after the talk- feeling like that talk was given just for me.
The sweet tiny Forget Me Not flower has always had a special meaning to me and after this talk the special meaning has only grown deeper.
I remember as a little girl my mom pointing out the flower to me when we were up at our family cabin in Island Park. She told me what it was called and that it was her favorite flower. Every summer since then, I have always specifically looked for that flower and have loved it myself. The memories I have of seeing it the most are at Railroad Bridge (as my family calls it) and at the end of floating down the river right by the dock at Macks Inn.
So, as President Uchtodorf started talking about this sweet Forget Me Not flower my thoughts immediately went to my mom and to the cabin. My eyes filled with tears and I got so homesick for my mom and for the beautiful pines and the sweet smell of them, the majestic mountains and the quietness of the evenings in Island park. Floating down the river, taking a walk to the meadow, making a fire at night, playing games with my family, etc...
Then President Uchtodorf gave us five things to never forget- symbolic of five petals on a Forget Me Not flower. So, I want to write them down and I hope I will never forget them.
1. Be patient with myself.
2. Understand the difference between a good sacrifice and a foolish sacrifice.
3. Be happy now.
4. Know the 'why' of the gospel.
5. The Lord loves me.
*The other thing I want to remember for my memory is going to the Philadelphia temple groundbreaking ceremony. To go to the actual site was by invitation only as space was limited so we went to the church and watched it on the tv. It was wonderful. And I just have to say, it has been such a sweet spiritual experience and privilege to see everyone's excitement about a temple being built here. It brings tears to my eyes because it's talked about so much in the church by the members and you honestly can just feel everyone's excitement about the temple. It's so neat. I love it. I don't want it to ever change.
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Paper Decorating
Alrighty, well let's just say my daughters room needed a little pick me up. Something more exciting, something more girly. So, with our extremely limited funds I packed us up and we took a trip to the dollar store to see what we could find. This is what I call decorating for $1.oo ...
We did a border around her room of paper flowers :) I think it turned out pretty cute!

Paper letters to one of my favorite primary songs

This is not in my daughters room but I thought it was a cute craft found on one of my favorite sites (tipjunkie.com)! A vase from the thrift store (50 cents) twigs from outside (free) and leftover paper from the dollar store to make these oh so simple flowers!
Paper letters to one of my favorite primary songs
This is not in my daughters room but I thought it was a cute craft found on one of my favorite sites (tipjunkie.com)! A vase from the thrift store (50 cents) twigs from outside (free) and leftover paper from the dollar store to make these oh so simple flowers!
So there you have it, we definitely don't have the latest and greatest but we are making do. And to be honest, it's quite fun!
Have a great day!!!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Answered prayers
I'm not really sure where to start. It's been a fantastic week! So many wonderful things happened that I want to write down so I never forget them.
To start off with, we have made friends with our next door neighbors, Paula and Ryan. They are awesome! (Paula attends PA school with my husband) I know we are neighbors for a reason. It's not coincidence. We have hung out a few times and we have a blast. They are not of our faith and we lead different lives but when we're all together our common interests come out and we have a great time.
Okay so here's the last week in a nutshell:
Sunday I was sruggling. Really struggling. Not happy, didn't feel spiritual, wo is me, no self esteem type of day. Well a sweetheart named Sarah from the ward started talking to me and was such an answer to my prayers. We clicked so fast and she was such an angel. She told me how sweet I was and that I was beautiful and how I was welcome to come over to her house anytime. I cannot even explain how much she did for me that day. She was an answer to my prayers. (Side note: Saturday I was struggling too and a senior missionary couple stopped by with some cookies. They brought such an added Spirit to our home. They were very inspired!)
Monday we invited Paula and Ryan to our ward cook out and they came! We were thrilled and it turned out great.
Tuesday I got a lot of errands and things at home done. Felt good.
Wednesday a group of ladies from the ward were taking their kids to a playhouse and I wasn't going to go but I got a sweet message from Sarah on FB asking me to go and something inside me told me I should go so last minute decision we went! I'm so glad I listened to that prompting- not only was it great to get out and have some adult conversation with ladies in the same boat as me, but I really made some great friends! I also got a hair appointment out of it! Then later that day my friend Gel texted me and asked when we could get together with our kids. So many prayers answered. I've been feeling alone and lonely lately so all these ladies don't know how much they have helped! Also, that night when my hubs got home he said he was able to share a lot about the gospel with one of his classmates. :) He was so happy! I loved seeing and hearing the extra joy in his voice and expressions when he told me about it.
Thursday I went to institute and then ran to do my hair appointment I had scheduled. It turned out great and the lady loved her hair! Then that evening Paula came over and I cut her hair and she just stayed and chatted with my husband and I for about an hour. Which again was an answer to prayers because before she came I prayed that she would feel the Spirit in our home and want to stay. She did :) Also, my friend Sarah called asking for a haircut. Which I was quite surprised because she's friends with another lady in the ward who does hair. But I'm not complaining! I will be thrilled to do it.
Friday I was content to be at home in the morning. I usually like to go go go in the mornings and get things done. For some reason I was content at home. And now I know why. Carrie, the lady who's hair I did thursday is going through a rough time right now, and she texted me that morning to see if i'd be around to watch her kids for an hour or two. Perfect! I have been praying for ways to be able to serve. I watched her 3 darling kids and my daughter was in heaven with other kids around. Later that afternoon I was at Nicholes house and she told me my husband and I hadn't been on a date in a while and she'd be more than willing to watch our daughter. Can people get any sweeter? Then later that night we went to Paula and Ryans for dinner, came home and put our daughter to bed, then they came over to our house and played games til almost 11. Fun times!
Saturday (today) my husband cleaned the whole house for me while I went to the store. Then we took our daughter to Nicholes house and we went on a date to Target and to the park.
I honestly cannot even say how much this week has been an answer to prayers in so many different ways. Prayers of contentment, being happy, being able to serve others, staying busy... The Lords hand is in every tiny detail of our lives. I know that. We need to recognize that and have faith that He knows what we need and what is best for us.
I don't want to forget the incredible learning experiences I've had this past week. My eyes have been opened to a lot of different things. This post doesn't do justice to everything that happened as it's just the very basics without detail but it will be enough to help me remember for myself.
Life is good!!!
To start off with, we have made friends with our next door neighbors, Paula and Ryan. They are awesome! (Paula attends PA school with my husband) I know we are neighbors for a reason. It's not coincidence. We have hung out a few times and we have a blast. They are not of our faith and we lead different lives but when we're all together our common interests come out and we have a great time.
Okay so here's the last week in a nutshell:
Sunday I was sruggling. Really struggling. Not happy, didn't feel spiritual, wo is me, no self esteem type of day. Well a sweetheart named Sarah from the ward started talking to me and was such an answer to my prayers. We clicked so fast and she was such an angel. She told me how sweet I was and that I was beautiful and how I was welcome to come over to her house anytime. I cannot even explain how much she did for me that day. She was an answer to my prayers. (Side note: Saturday I was struggling too and a senior missionary couple stopped by with some cookies. They brought such an added Spirit to our home. They were very inspired!)
Monday we invited Paula and Ryan to our ward cook out and they came! We were thrilled and it turned out great.
Tuesday I got a lot of errands and things at home done. Felt good.
Wednesday a group of ladies from the ward were taking their kids to a playhouse and I wasn't going to go but I got a sweet message from Sarah on FB asking me to go and something inside me told me I should go so last minute decision we went! I'm so glad I listened to that prompting- not only was it great to get out and have some adult conversation with ladies in the same boat as me, but I really made some great friends! I also got a hair appointment out of it! Then later that day my friend Gel texted me and asked when we could get together with our kids. So many prayers answered. I've been feeling alone and lonely lately so all these ladies don't know how much they have helped! Also, that night when my hubs got home he said he was able to share a lot about the gospel with one of his classmates. :) He was so happy! I loved seeing and hearing the extra joy in his voice and expressions when he told me about it.
Thursday I went to institute and then ran to do my hair appointment I had scheduled. It turned out great and the lady loved her hair! Then that evening Paula came over and I cut her hair and she just stayed and chatted with my husband and I for about an hour. Which again was an answer to prayers because before she came I prayed that she would feel the Spirit in our home and want to stay. She did :) Also, my friend Sarah called asking for a haircut. Which I was quite surprised because she's friends with another lady in the ward who does hair. But I'm not complaining! I will be thrilled to do it.
Friday I was content to be at home in the morning. I usually like to go go go in the mornings and get things done. For some reason I was content at home. And now I know why. Carrie, the lady who's hair I did thursday is going through a rough time right now, and she texted me that morning to see if i'd be around to watch her kids for an hour or two. Perfect! I have been praying for ways to be able to serve. I watched her 3 darling kids and my daughter was in heaven with other kids around. Later that afternoon I was at Nicholes house and she told me my husband and I hadn't been on a date in a while and she'd be more than willing to watch our daughter. Can people get any sweeter? Then later that night we went to Paula and Ryans for dinner, came home and put our daughter to bed, then they came over to our house and played games til almost 11. Fun times!
Saturday (today) my husband cleaned the whole house for me while I went to the store. Then we took our daughter to Nicholes house and we went on a date to Target and to the park.
I honestly cannot even say how much this week has been an answer to prayers in so many different ways. Prayers of contentment, being happy, being able to serve others, staying busy... The Lords hand is in every tiny detail of our lives. I know that. We need to recognize that and have faith that He knows what we need and what is best for us.
I don't want to forget the incredible learning experiences I've had this past week. My eyes have been opened to a lot of different things. This post doesn't do justice to everything that happened as it's just the very basics without detail but it will be enough to help me remember for myself.
Life is good!!!
Wednesday, August 31, 2011
I got the sweetest hand written letter the other day from my dear friend K. A letter! In this day and age of texts, cell phones, twitter, facebook, email... etc (the list could go on) it's so refreshing and exciting to get a hand written letter! I love it. I must admit I was like a little kid. :) There's just something about seeing an envelope with your name on it- and you know it's no advertisement or bill. So fun!! (c'mon I know you feel that way too!) I was thrilled. In fact I was so thrilled that I waited until my daughter went to bed that night and my husband was studying to read it so that I could lay down on the couch and give my full attention to this letter and bask in the joy of a letter written to me. :) I love this friend so much- we have some unforgettable memories together and I am so excited to have a "pen pal" this year! K, look for a letter coming your way soon... :)
Life is good!
Life is good!
Saturday, August 27, 2011
Blessing in a Box
A lot of great things have happened lately... 1 My husband LOVES school, absolutely loves it and I am thrilled. 2 My daughter and I got to go on a walk almost everyday this week. We love our walks :) 3 Our loan finally came in! Happy Day! 4 My husband has come home to a delicious meal ALMOST everyday and I love being able to do that for him. 5. Tangled came out on instant play on Netflix and I have already watched it twice. Love it. 6. Jimmer Fredette is engaged (Congratulations to him!) 7 I had a lovely chat with my cousin and sister whom I love love love dearly 8 I found a scrumptious, healthy, mmm whole wheat banana bread recipe (thanks to thesisterscafe.com) 9 We are all prepared for hurricane Irene 10 a huge blessing arrived in a box today.
The other week my sister-in-law called and told me she was getting rid of baby clothes and asked for my daughters size. I told her the size and she said she'd send me some clothes. Oh my goodness, I had no idea she would send this much! She completely spoiled us! I don't think I will need to buy clothes for a very long time. L, if you only knew what a blessing this is, Thank You so Much!!! We love you and miss you tons!
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
i just got off the phone with one of my very best friends. i cannot even tell you how much i love this girl and how much she has done for me. she is an angel. it boosted my spirits just talking to her and i hope she knows how grateful i am for her. its such a blessing to find those friends you just click with. thats us. we know each other so well and i can talk to her about anything. she is as good as they come and i feel so blessed to have her as a friend. no matter where we end up in life we will always keep in touch because we share such a special bond. she always knows what to say to make me feel better and i love that we are so much alike. R i love you dearly! i cant wait to get back to idaho so we can play. i miss you tons!
go get a turtle tongue for me! ha
Sunday, August 21, 2011
I'm starting to feel more and more at home here. I love it. I need to feel this way since we are here for 13 months. I know it's not a very long time but it's a desire and a need for me, so I'm grateful that with each passing day I find myself feeling like I'm home and truly enjoying my surroundings.
This weekend we had a great time! Saturday we took of with the Gilgens, Rogers, Thompsons, Barbara, and Kevin and went to the beach in New Jersey! Let me tell you, we had a blast! Gilgens, Rogers, and Thompsons are all LDS and all the men are going to school with my husband (Salus University) so I get to play with all their lovely wives for the next year :) Barbara is from Brazil and she and kevin (not married) are attending Salus University also. Anyway, we all headed to the beach that morning. IT. WAS. AWESOME. We really had such a blast with everyone. The guys rented boogie boards and had a hayday trying to catch the waves- seriously they were like little kids out in the water. I loved it! Us ladies hung back a bit more and did some talking and playing in the sand with the kiddos and just enjoyed the beautiful weather. At one point, while I was by myself with my daughter it hit me how grateful I am for these awesome girls and how much they have helped me feel at home. Not only am I grateful to have some LDS friends out here, but they are really sweet, down to earth girls that I really want to be friends with, and although we're all in different stages of life right now we all have one thing in common and that's our husbands all attending the PA program together. So it puts us on somewhat of a mutual ground. I love these ladies already and I'm excited for our adventures ahead! We left the beach around 1:00 feeling so happy, tired, content and sunburnt (yes my husband and I were the suckers who didn't put any sunscreen on).
So naturally today, sunday, we can hardly move because our backs and shoulders hurt so much! Seriously, we look like walking zombies here, wincing at the slightest movement but bless our hearts we really are in pain! We got back from stake conference a few hours ago and it was wonderful. The members out here are so strong and you can just feel the excitement for the temple that's going to be built here. The groundbreaking for it is next month and I'm sure hoping we will be able to make it.
Tomorrow starts my husbands first official day of school. Last week was orientation week so the real deal starts tomorrow. I'm so excited for him and I know he will absolutely love it here- the school, his education, his classes- all of it! So let the journey begin....
For now, I just witnessed a HUGE rainstorm. The lightning woke my husband and I up from our naps. It was raining like crazy! If we had intertubes we probably could have gone tubing down the streets. It was one of the hardest rain storms I've seen. I loved it though, it was great for a sunday afternoon- great because I had no obligations and I could just enjoy it. My husband and I sat on the couch and watched it for a while while we finished off the Tres Leches cake I make. Now I'm writing on my blog listening to a lighter, softer rain and my husband and baby are sleeping peacefully.
Life is good!
This weekend we had a great time! Saturday we took of with the Gilgens, Rogers, Thompsons, Barbara, and Kevin and went to the beach in New Jersey! Let me tell you, we had a blast! Gilgens, Rogers, and Thompsons are all LDS and all the men are going to school with my husband (Salus University) so I get to play with all their lovely wives for the next year :) Barbara is from Brazil and she and kevin (not married) are attending Salus University also. Anyway, we all headed to the beach that morning. IT. WAS. AWESOME. We really had such a blast with everyone. The guys rented boogie boards and had a hayday trying to catch the waves- seriously they were like little kids out in the water. I loved it! Us ladies hung back a bit more and did some talking and playing in the sand with the kiddos and just enjoyed the beautiful weather. At one point, while I was by myself with my daughter it hit me how grateful I am for these awesome girls and how much they have helped me feel at home. Not only am I grateful to have some LDS friends out here, but they are really sweet, down to earth girls that I really want to be friends with, and although we're all in different stages of life right now we all have one thing in common and that's our husbands all attending the PA program together. So it puts us on somewhat of a mutual ground. I love these ladies already and I'm excited for our adventures ahead! We left the beach around 1:00 feeling so happy, tired, content and sunburnt (yes my husband and I were the suckers who didn't put any sunscreen on).
So naturally today, sunday, we can hardly move because our backs and shoulders hurt so much! Seriously, we look like walking zombies here, wincing at the slightest movement but bless our hearts we really are in pain! We got back from stake conference a few hours ago and it was wonderful. The members out here are so strong and you can just feel the excitement for the temple that's going to be built here. The groundbreaking for it is next month and I'm sure hoping we will be able to make it.
Tomorrow starts my husbands first official day of school. Last week was orientation week so the real deal starts tomorrow. I'm so excited for him and I know he will absolutely love it here- the school, his education, his classes- all of it! So let the journey begin....
For now, I just witnessed a HUGE rainstorm. The lightning woke my husband and I up from our naps. It was raining like crazy! If we had intertubes we probably could have gone tubing down the streets. It was one of the hardest rain storms I've seen. I loved it though, it was great for a sunday afternoon- great because I had no obligations and I could just enjoy it. My husband and I sat on the couch and watched it for a while while we finished off the Tres Leches cake I make. Now I'm writing on my blog listening to a lighter, softer rain and my husband and baby are sleeping peacefully.
Life is good!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Here I come!
Okay, so I've been using this blog more to write down my feelings about big things or events that mean a lot and I want to remember. Which is good, it's been great. Now, I'm going to start using it as a journal to keep track of my days/weeks better. So, not everything on here will be super interesting or exciting- just what's going on in the daily life of me :) Feel free to continue checking in and reading if you'd like, otherwise I totally understand if you want to delete this blog from your list. Anyway, here goes!
Yesterday was a pretty productive day! I kept myself super busy which was a huge blessing because I have pretty much had my husband all to myself since April. April folks! That's a long time and it has been soooooo fun. I know, I've been spoiled and I totally took advantage of it. It's been fantastic! Well yesterday reality hit again. My husband started his first day of PA school. But I must say, we are extremely excited for him to start his graduate program and it does feel good to get back on a schedule. So my daughter and I walked up to school with him yesterday, kissed him and waved goodbye, then went for a morning jog. It felt good but I won't even say how far I went because for some people it would be a mere walk.
Then we headed to wal-mart to get groceries because we were feeding the missionaries for dinner. Well, bless my heart, I rarely ever go down the "prepared dinners" isle or even looked at the packaged food ( if you can even call it food) because I know how bad it is for you. Well, with all of America talking about eating healthy and stopping obesity, more exercise...etc who would have thought in wal mart I'd find a heart attack on a stick. Ha I was disgusted and had to laugh at it. Sausage and pancakes. Okay, let me tell you it was exactly like a corn dog! Sausage on a stick with a breaded coating around it that was a pancake! For real? Bless our hearts. That's almost as bad as the "goobers" - peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. Anyway, I just could hardly believe it when I saw it and maybe I need to bless those who buy it.
The rest of the day went well. Sadie took a good nap, the missionaries enjoyed dinner and desert and my husband and I fell asleep watching a movie about LeBron James.
*Something else I don't want to forget about yesterday- I got onto youtube and played a church song for my daughter that had a slideshow of Jesus Christ on it. She was so cute and kept pointing at the computer saying "Jesus" in her sweet way she says it. Then she wrapped both her little arms around my neck several times and kept giving me hugs. (sigh) It really is amazing how fast music can invite the Spirit into a room.
*A couple days ago my husband was saying family prayer and I wanted him to pray about something specific so I was going to whisper it to him while he was praying so he would remember to include it and just as I was about to whisper to him he started praying for that very thing. Tears rolled down my face and I felt such a closeness with him. I love those moments.
Life is good!
Yesterday was a pretty productive day! I kept myself super busy which was a huge blessing because I have pretty much had my husband all to myself since April. April folks! That's a long time and it has been soooooo fun. I know, I've been spoiled and I totally took advantage of it. It's been fantastic! Well yesterday reality hit again. My husband started his first day of PA school. But I must say, we are extremely excited for him to start his graduate program and it does feel good to get back on a schedule. So my daughter and I walked up to school with him yesterday, kissed him and waved goodbye, then went for a morning jog. It felt good but I won't even say how far I went because for some people it would be a mere walk.
Then we headed to wal-mart to get groceries because we were feeding the missionaries for dinner. Well, bless my heart, I rarely ever go down the "prepared dinners" isle or even looked at the packaged food ( if you can even call it food) because I know how bad it is for you. Well, with all of America talking about eating healthy and stopping obesity, more exercise...etc who would have thought in wal mart I'd find a heart attack on a stick. Ha I was disgusted and had to laugh at it. Sausage and pancakes. Okay, let me tell you it was exactly like a corn dog! Sausage on a stick with a breaded coating around it that was a pancake! For real? Bless our hearts. That's almost as bad as the "goobers" - peanut butter and jelly in the same jar. Anyway, I just could hardly believe it when I saw it and maybe I need to bless those who buy it.
The rest of the day went well. Sadie took a good nap, the missionaries enjoyed dinner and desert and my husband and I fell asleep watching a movie about LeBron James.
*Something else I don't want to forget about yesterday- I got onto youtube and played a church song for my daughter that had a slideshow of Jesus Christ on it. She was so cute and kept pointing at the computer saying "Jesus" in her sweet way she says it. Then she wrapped both her little arms around my neck several times and kept giving me hugs. (sigh) It really is amazing how fast music can invite the Spirit into a room.
*A couple days ago my husband was saying family prayer and I wanted him to pray about something specific so I was going to whisper it to him while he was praying so he would remember to include it and just as I was about to whisper to him he started praying for that very thing. Tears rolled down my face and I felt such a closeness with him. I love those moments.
Life is good!
Monday, August 15, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
so many blessings
Alright, time for a little more catching up...
A couple weeks ago our bishop taught sunday school and my husband and I both thought it was a great lesson. He taught us about the temple- all the wonderful, important, sacred truths about the temple. It got me thinking about several things. First, I've had my mental list of "things I want to do in Philly" and of course have been hoping to get all them done in the year that we are here. I want to go home having "experienced" the east and of course I still want to do that but since I have been here and especially going to church and seeing how few of us Latter Day Saints there are, my list of "things I want to do in Philly" has changed a bit, or atleast the priority has. I'm starting to realize that if I go home having done what I want to do- that's fine, but if I don't go home a changed person, more mature, spiritual, and self confident, then really nothing else matters. So, my goals here now are more along the lines of: Serving someone everyday, give more compliments to people, smile and say "hello" more, talk to people about the church, invite people over for dinner, visit the nursing homes,... etc. I want to go home a better person than I came. That's my goal and I know the key to that is the same key to happiness- service.
Last night I got to talk to a dear friend. We only talked for 15-20 minutes but it was so fun! I love this girl. I truly do. We connect and understand each other really well. We just caught up on what's been going on the last few weeks and had a great conversation. She is an incredible example to me in so many ways and the Spirit radiates from her. Honestly, you can just feel her goodness. I feel privileged to be her friend. (Thanks for talking to me L- it helped me so much!)
Today my husband, daughter and I hopped in the car and I got to take a trip down memory lane. It was soooo fun! And something I've been hoping that I would one day get to show my husband. Today we drove to the town I nannied in a few years ago!! Memories came flooding back as we drove all around the town and especially driving past the house I lived in. Oh how I love the family I nannied for. I will always be grateful to them for letting me have such an incredible experience there and for being so good to me. It's a town that's very dear to me because I feel like I did so much growing up there. It was my first time away from home and of course some days were hard but I grew leaps and mounds there. It's been 3 years since I've been there so it was sooooo awesome to go back today. (K and T I thought about you guys so much!)
I have witnessed the Lord's hand in our lives so much out here in everything we've done. I know He is watching over us and has sent extra helping hands to us at times. We have received so many blessings and we are so grateful. Being away from home is really helping me learn to rely on my Savior more. It's different here, living outside the "bubble". There's pro's and con's to wherever you live and I'm glad I'm where I am right now because I feel I'm being stretched and tried in ways that I couldn't had we stayed where we were. I feel my relationship with my Savior growing in so many different ways. It's wonderful and I'm so grateful for the opportunities I've already been given to learn and become better. I know this is where my family is supposed to be right now and that is such a comfort. We are growing and learning and becoming closer together as a family. I love it.
Life is good!
A couple weeks ago our bishop taught sunday school and my husband and I both thought it was a great lesson. He taught us about the temple- all the wonderful, important, sacred truths about the temple. It got me thinking about several things. First, I've had my mental list of "things I want to do in Philly" and of course have been hoping to get all them done in the year that we are here. I want to go home having "experienced" the east and of course I still want to do that but since I have been here and especially going to church and seeing how few of us Latter Day Saints there are, my list of "things I want to do in Philly" has changed a bit, or atleast the priority has. I'm starting to realize that if I go home having done what I want to do- that's fine, but if I don't go home a changed person, more mature, spiritual, and self confident, then really nothing else matters. So, my goals here now are more along the lines of: Serving someone everyday, give more compliments to people, smile and say "hello" more, talk to people about the church, invite people over for dinner, visit the nursing homes,... etc. I want to go home a better person than I came. That's my goal and I know the key to that is the same key to happiness- service.
Last night I got to talk to a dear friend. We only talked for 15-20 minutes but it was so fun! I love this girl. I truly do. We connect and understand each other really well. We just caught up on what's been going on the last few weeks and had a great conversation. She is an incredible example to me in so many ways and the Spirit radiates from her. Honestly, you can just feel her goodness. I feel privileged to be her friend. (Thanks for talking to me L- it helped me so much!)
Today my husband, daughter and I hopped in the car and I got to take a trip down memory lane. It was soooo fun! And something I've been hoping that I would one day get to show my husband. Today we drove to the town I nannied in a few years ago!! Memories came flooding back as we drove all around the town and especially driving past the house I lived in. Oh how I love the family I nannied for. I will always be grateful to them for letting me have such an incredible experience there and for being so good to me. It's a town that's very dear to me because I feel like I did so much growing up there. It was my first time away from home and of course some days were hard but I grew leaps and mounds there. It's been 3 years since I've been there so it was sooooo awesome to go back today. (K and T I thought about you guys so much!)
I have witnessed the Lord's hand in our lives so much out here in everything we've done. I know He is watching over us and has sent extra helping hands to us at times. We have received so many blessings and we are so grateful. Being away from home is really helping me learn to rely on my Savior more. It's different here, living outside the "bubble". There's pro's and con's to wherever you live and I'm glad I'm where I am right now because I feel I'm being stretched and tried in ways that I couldn't had we stayed where we were. I feel my relationship with my Savior growing in so many different ways. It's wonderful and I'm so grateful for the opportunities I've already been given to learn and become better. I know this is where my family is supposed to be right now and that is such a comfort. We are growing and learning and becoming closer together as a family. I love it.
Life is good!
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Wow. So much change lately. So many things I don't want to forget and I'm so far behind so I have so much to write down!
Well let's rewind a few weeks ago...we got a storage unit, packed up our old apartment, put most things in the storage unit then went and lived with my parents the last two weeks in Idaho. It was awesome. My daughter loves my mom and my grandma (who lives next door to my mom) so she was in heaven. The last two weeks in Idaho are almost a blur now.... so much happened.
It was hard saying goodbye. Really hard. Mostly taking my girl away from her grandma and great grandma because I know how attached they all are and what a special bond they share. But now that we are here we are so happy and truly loving it.
Some amazing things that happened before we left Rexburg:
My husband and I got to know another couple and we became such great friends! Not just casual friends but real, true, sincere friends that we hope to always keep in touch with. Isn't it such a blessing to find friends like that? Friends that make you want to be better people, friends that you feel a real connection with and you know it's not just an ordinary friendship? That's how we feel about them- we love them and we want the best for them and we will for sure keep in touch with them. Some fun things we did together- games, tin foil dinners, roasting marshmallows, mini golf, tennis, dutch oven, boating (the 1st time), kerri anne's, and just chatting. We miss them so much already!
Okay, my cousin who I have grown up with my whole life and whom I love as much as life itself was due with her first baby the 24th of July. I was scheduled to fly out the 19th. Well at her doctor's appointment they said they would induce her the 18th! I was extremely excited and nervous and anxious just hoping the baby would come quick enough for me to see her before I had to head to SLC to fly out early that next morning- the 19th. Well, my cousin went into labor on her own and had her baby the 17th!!! I cannot even tell you what a blessing and tender mercy that was to me. It meant so much to me that I was able to see her baby before I had to leave. I will never forget walking into the hospital room for the first time. I started tearing up automatically before I even saw the baby and then I looked at my cousin and she started tearing up too but she also had a look of pure joy on her face. It's something I can't explain but I know I will never forget that moment or the feelings in that room. It was totally incredible.
Along with that neat experience, I also had another experience that taught me how precious life is. It's not a story I necessarily want to dwell on or remember but there were some really neat things that came from it too so I will just share the basics. My small family, our awesome friends, and 4 others were involved in a terrible boating accident that resulted in a girl from another boat losing her life. It was awful, and there are sounds and images I want erased from my mind but at the same time I know the Lord's hand was in everything that happened. I know he blessed us in so many ways and I have come out a stronger person through all of this and it has strengthened my relationship with my Savior. Priesthood blessings were given, testimonies were shared, and a lot of us have become better people.
Now we are here in Pennsylvania- sometimes it seems a world away and other times not. We truly love it here and are trying to soak up every minute of it because we know how fast time flies. I have my moments of being homesick but at the same time wherever my husband and daughter are will always be home. We are happy to be here and we hope for lots of missionary experiences. We are so excited to see what this chapter of our lives bring. Life is good!
Well let's rewind a few weeks ago...we got a storage unit, packed up our old apartment, put most things in the storage unit then went and lived with my parents the last two weeks in Idaho. It was awesome. My daughter loves my mom and my grandma (who lives next door to my mom) so she was in heaven. The last two weeks in Idaho are almost a blur now.... so much happened.
It was hard saying goodbye. Really hard. Mostly taking my girl away from her grandma and great grandma because I know how attached they all are and what a special bond they share. But now that we are here we are so happy and truly loving it.
Some amazing things that happened before we left Rexburg:
My husband and I got to know another couple and we became such great friends! Not just casual friends but real, true, sincere friends that we hope to always keep in touch with. Isn't it such a blessing to find friends like that? Friends that make you want to be better people, friends that you feel a real connection with and you know it's not just an ordinary friendship? That's how we feel about them- we love them and we want the best for them and we will for sure keep in touch with them. Some fun things we did together- games, tin foil dinners, roasting marshmallows, mini golf, tennis, dutch oven, boating (the 1st time), kerri anne's, and just chatting. We miss them so much already!
Okay, my cousin who I have grown up with my whole life and whom I love as much as life itself was due with her first baby the 24th of July. I was scheduled to fly out the 19th. Well at her doctor's appointment they said they would induce her the 18th! I was extremely excited and nervous and anxious just hoping the baby would come quick enough for me to see her before I had to head to SLC to fly out early that next morning- the 19th. Well, my cousin went into labor on her own and had her baby the 17th!!! I cannot even tell you what a blessing and tender mercy that was to me. It meant so much to me that I was able to see her baby before I had to leave. I will never forget walking into the hospital room for the first time. I started tearing up automatically before I even saw the baby and then I looked at my cousin and she started tearing up too but she also had a look of pure joy on her face. It's something I can't explain but I know I will never forget that moment or the feelings in that room. It was totally incredible.
Along with that neat experience, I also had another experience that taught me how precious life is. It's not a story I necessarily want to dwell on or remember but there were some really neat things that came from it too so I will just share the basics. My small family, our awesome friends, and 4 others were involved in a terrible boating accident that resulted in a girl from another boat losing her life. It was awful, and there are sounds and images I want erased from my mind but at the same time I know the Lord's hand was in everything that happened. I know he blessed us in so many ways and I have come out a stronger person through all of this and it has strengthened my relationship with my Savior. Priesthood blessings were given, testimonies were shared, and a lot of us have become better people.
Now we are here in Pennsylvania- sometimes it seems a world away and other times not. We truly love it here and are trying to soak up every minute of it because we know how fast time flies. I have my moments of being homesick but at the same time wherever my husband and daughter are will always be home. We are happy to be here and we hope for lots of missionary experiences. We are so excited to see what this chapter of our lives bring. Life is good!
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Father's Day
Dear Dad,
Happy Father's day! My heart is so full right now. I've been thinking about you and there are so many things on my mind right now. I'll try to write it all out as best as I can. Dad, whenever I think of you the first thing that comes to mind is service. I don't know of a better example of someone who loves to serve. Tears came to my eyes tonight as I thought about you and how much you have done for me and how much I love you. Some memories I want to share with you and thank you for are these:
When I was little you would come to my room at night and tell me a story about your childhood.
You were my personal alarm clock and would come turn on my light and say "it's time to get up!"
Playing basketball in the driveway.
Picking up my slack when I wasn't cleaning the office as good as I should have.
Baptizing me
Giving me Father's blessings
Our love of music and singing. This one really hits home. Some of my most fond memories are of us singing together. We would sing for hours listening to different CD's and the radio whether it was in the car or standing in the kitchen or singing at church or at weddings or around the campfire or wherever. I cherish those memories. I really have such a tender place for them in my heart.
Going to all my basketball games in junior high even though I was a 5th quarter player.
Always taking me shoe shopping :) bless your heart.
You were there with mom to comfort me when break ups and school drama happened.
I played tennis all 4 years of high school and it was a busy time of year for you- tax season. Dad you were there for almost every single tennis match. I could count on one hand the number of matches you missed in all 4 years. That means more than you know.
I remember the hours you and I would spend at the courts playing against each other. (Remember the time we finally stopped because it got so dark we couldn't even see the ball? the only way we knew it came over the net was because it finally hit the fence. Ha!)
Anytime I went on a date or some activity I wasn't too excited about you would always tell me, "Remember Rachel, it's what you make of it."
You helped choose the beauty school I went to. You told me you had a good feeling about Evans when we walked in there to check it out. I knew then that that's where I would be going.
Bless your heart, you let me give you a few awkward haircuts before I finally got it down.
You walked with me in the blazing heat for about 6 miles or so the day before I took my boards because I was so nervous.
You talked to me on the phone and comforted me many times my first month in CT when I thought I wanted to come home.
I remember mom telling me you would get teary listening to some of my country music when I was gone because it made you miss me.
I was struggling one night in CT and you went into my room at home, I went to my room in CT and we both kneeled down and said a prayer together over the phone.
You would always stay up late with mom and be there when I came into your room at midnight to talk about the night and what I did with friends.
We went on a walk in St. George and you let me talk out all my feelings about my husband (then my boyfriend) and you gave me advice and told me some of your own experiences when you were younger.
Receiving my endowments
Getting married in the temple
You were one of the very first to know when my husband and I found out we were expecting.
You took off the whole afternoon from work to come to my daughters birthday party at the zoo.
Dad, you are simply amazing. The list could go on and on of all the times you have been there for me. It's never been a question where the family lies in your list of priorities. You and mom both always showed me that family is most important. I feel so blessed to be your daughter and so privileged to have you as my father. Your example and your testimony have strengthened me in so many ways. As I got older I knew I wanted to marry someone like you. And I did. I have an incredible husband and he has told me more than once that he knows he has big shoes to fill. He does, and he's doing a great job. Dad I love you so much and I hope you know how dear you are to me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for always being there. I can remember calling you at work one time asking if you had time to talk and you said, "yep. I always have time to talk to my kids." That pretty much sums it up. It's no wonder you're such a happy person in life, you're always serving. I love you dad, so much. Happy Father's Day.
Happy Father's day! My heart is so full right now. I've been thinking about you and there are so many things on my mind right now. I'll try to write it all out as best as I can. Dad, whenever I think of you the first thing that comes to mind is service. I don't know of a better example of someone who loves to serve. Tears came to my eyes tonight as I thought about you and how much you have done for me and how much I love you. Some memories I want to share with you and thank you for are these:
When I was little you would come to my room at night and tell me a story about your childhood.
You were my personal alarm clock and would come turn on my light and say "it's time to get up!"
Playing basketball in the driveway.
Picking up my slack when I wasn't cleaning the office as good as I should have.
Baptizing me
Giving me Father's blessings
Our love of music and singing. This one really hits home. Some of my most fond memories are of us singing together. We would sing for hours listening to different CD's and the radio whether it was in the car or standing in the kitchen or singing at church or at weddings or around the campfire or wherever. I cherish those memories. I really have such a tender place for them in my heart.
Going to all my basketball games in junior high even though I was a 5th quarter player.
Always taking me shoe shopping :) bless your heart.
You were there with mom to comfort me when break ups and school drama happened.
I played tennis all 4 years of high school and it was a busy time of year for you- tax season. Dad you were there for almost every single tennis match. I could count on one hand the number of matches you missed in all 4 years. That means more than you know.
I remember the hours you and I would spend at the courts playing against each other. (Remember the time we finally stopped because it got so dark we couldn't even see the ball? the only way we knew it came over the net was because it finally hit the fence. Ha!)
Anytime I went on a date or some activity I wasn't too excited about you would always tell me, "Remember Rachel, it's what you make of it."
You helped choose the beauty school I went to. You told me you had a good feeling about Evans when we walked in there to check it out. I knew then that that's where I would be going.
Bless your heart, you let me give you a few awkward haircuts before I finally got it down.
You walked with me in the blazing heat for about 6 miles or so the day before I took my boards because I was so nervous.
You talked to me on the phone and comforted me many times my first month in CT when I thought I wanted to come home.
I remember mom telling me you would get teary listening to some of my country music when I was gone because it made you miss me.
I was struggling one night in CT and you went into my room at home, I went to my room in CT and we both kneeled down and said a prayer together over the phone.
You would always stay up late with mom and be there when I came into your room at midnight to talk about the night and what I did with friends.
We went on a walk in St. George and you let me talk out all my feelings about my husband (then my boyfriend) and you gave me advice and told me some of your own experiences when you were younger.
Receiving my endowments
Getting married in the temple
You were one of the very first to know when my husband and I found out we were expecting.
You took off the whole afternoon from work to come to my daughters birthday party at the zoo.
Dad, you are simply amazing. The list could go on and on of all the times you have been there for me. It's never been a question where the family lies in your list of priorities. You and mom both always showed me that family is most important. I feel so blessed to be your daughter and so privileged to have you as my father. Your example and your testimony have strengthened me in so many ways. As I got older I knew I wanted to marry someone like you. And I did. I have an incredible husband and he has told me more than once that he knows he has big shoes to fill. He does, and he's doing a great job. Dad I love you so much and I hope you know how dear you are to me. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for always being there. I can remember calling you at work one time asking if you had time to talk and you said, "yep. I always have time to talk to my kids." That pretty much sums it up. It's no wonder you're such a happy person in life, you're always serving. I love you dad, so much. Happy Father's Day.
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Birthday Girl!!!
My precious daughter turned 1 today! Believe me, my husband and I were proud parents. We wanted to make it the perfect day for her. We decorated the house last night when she went to bed so it would all be waiting for her when she woke up. It turned out great! She woke up this morning and just kept saying "wow" at everything. It was so cute! That's been her famous word lately. We spent the morning as a family and then headed to the zoo for the afternoon. She loved the zoo!!! So did I. I could look at animals all day! And she was fortunate to have both sets of grandparents with her, along with her friend Dalton :) It was awesome! Then we headed to Pizza Hut for lunch and then back home for the big celebration! We had cake and ice cream and presents to open. She did so great and she totally took in every minute of it. She is such a social butterfly and loved all the attention!
I love this girl sooooo much. I think back over the past year at her growth and it amazes me how many changes there are in one year! Oh my goodness, that song "don't blink" by Kenny Chesney is so true! I just cannot get enough of her. It really isn't possible to hug your child or kiss their cheeks enough!
So, to my daughter, I want to say what a joy you have been and always will be! You have added an amazing dimension to our family and an everlasting impact upon me and daddy. This last year has been simply incredible. You have taught us so much, in so many ways. We have grown more together as a family and our love for you grows leaps and mounds each day. Thank you for being patient, as daddy and I are learning right along with you. You are so very special to us and we are so blessed to be your parents. You have such a sweet, tender spirit that radiates and touches everyone around you. We love you so much. Happy Birthday bug!
I love this girl sooooo much. I think back over the past year at her growth and it amazes me how many changes there are in one year! Oh my goodness, that song "don't blink" by Kenny Chesney is so true! I just cannot get enough of her. It really isn't possible to hug your child or kiss their cheeks enough!
So, to my daughter, I want to say what a joy you have been and always will be! You have added an amazing dimension to our family and an everlasting impact upon me and daddy. This last year has been simply incredible. You have taught us so much, in so many ways. We have grown more together as a family and our love for you grows leaps and mounds each day. Thank you for being patient, as daddy and I are learning right along with you. You are so very special to us and we are so blessed to be your parents. You have such a sweet, tender spirit that radiates and touches everyone around you. We love you so much. Happy Birthday bug!
Monday, May 30, 2011
A big scare just happened in my home. Nobody was hurt but it could have turned out awful.
I was in the kitchen making apple crisp while my husband and daughter were in the living room reading a book together.
The oven was already at it's right temperature but I wasn't ready to put the apple crisp in so I opened the door to let some air in while I finished making our yumminess. I had the thought to tell my hubby that the oven door was open so to make sure our girl didn't touch it. Well I pushed away the thought thinking I'd hear her if they stopped playing and she came into the kitchen. So I kept preparing the apple crisp when I heard my husband ask me to make sure she doesn't touch the oven. Note: He didn't know the oven door was open, he just felt impressed to tell me to make sure she didn't touch the oven. So I turn away from what I'm doing and there is my baby girl, standing right by the oven not doing anything. Just standing there looking at me. I quickly shut the oven door and rushed to her.
Now, knowing my girl, there is no reason she should not have touched the oven. Seriously, she is discovering anything she can right now and her hands are everywhere she can touch. The oven door being open would have been something new for her to "discover" because she obviously never has before.
So I write this story for my own learning and remembering.
Tonight we had an angel helping us. There is no question in my mind an angel was keeping my baby girl from reaching out to touch the open oven.
I'm so grateful my husband listened to his prompting and I definitely learned my lesson. It could have been disastrous but I know we had extra help tonight and although I was mad at myself and scared stiff, right now I just feel so grateful.
I was in the kitchen making apple crisp while my husband and daughter were in the living room reading a book together.
The oven was already at it's right temperature but I wasn't ready to put the apple crisp in so I opened the door to let some air in while I finished making our yumminess. I had the thought to tell my hubby that the oven door was open so to make sure our girl didn't touch it. Well I pushed away the thought thinking I'd hear her if they stopped playing and she came into the kitchen. So I kept preparing the apple crisp when I heard my husband ask me to make sure she doesn't touch the oven. Note: He didn't know the oven door was open, he just felt impressed to tell me to make sure she didn't touch the oven. So I turn away from what I'm doing and there is my baby girl, standing right by the oven not doing anything. Just standing there looking at me. I quickly shut the oven door and rushed to her.
Now, knowing my girl, there is no reason she should not have touched the oven. Seriously, she is discovering anything she can right now and her hands are everywhere she can touch. The oven door being open would have been something new for her to "discover" because she obviously never has before.
So I write this story for my own learning and remembering.
Tonight we had an angel helping us. There is no question in my mind an angel was keeping my baby girl from reaching out to touch the open oven.
I'm so grateful my husband listened to his prompting and I definitely learned my lesson. It could have been disastrous but I know we had extra help tonight and although I was mad at myself and scared stiff, right now I just feel so grateful.
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Bless all of our hearts. Really.
That's how I have felt lately anytime I turn on the TV. Way too much swearing, people who forgot to get dressed all the way, and just plain worldliness. yuck.
I'm not sure how I feel about it. My husband and I talked about it the other night- whether or not we want to have televison/cable for our kids. Neither of us think it's a very good idea. There are some positive things to TV, but it seems like the bad is starting to out weigh the good.
I'm not a huge TV watcher, but there are certain shows I do like to watch:
Biggest Loser
American Idol
Dr. Phil (some may chuckle at that but I really love his show! Yes, my friend and I even went to it once)
Sports Center
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (with my little girl!)
But, regardless of these good shows, I just don't know if it's worth it. Even commercials are becoming very suggestive and offensive. It makes me cringe to think of what it could be like in 10 years.
A couple weeks ago we were watching American Idol and their coach that week was Lady Gaga. (the name should have been warning enough) What in the world!?! Is she what this world has come to? She was practically wearing pannies, a shirt with chain things on it and high heels. Then if that wasn't bad enough her face was ridiculous. black paint around her eyes? Seriously, bless her heart. I was upset that this "family show" had someone like her on there. My husband and I just kept looking at each other like "is this real? are people like that?" If "sheltered" is what I am then I'll stay that way! Anyway, it actually made me really sad too. Satan is having a hayday out there. People are so so so very lost.
On the bright side, my husband and i love love love sports and we enjoy watching them together. Some of TV is very inspiring and motivating. The other day on the BYU channel we watched a documentary on Del Parson and his paintings of the Savior and it was very neat and spiritual.
There are pro's and con's to everything in life and this is something I have pondered lately. As a mother and homemaker of the home one of my primary responsibilities is to make sure my home is a place where the Spirit can dwell. I take that very seriously. In the bible dictionary it says that only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness. wow. that says it all. that tells us exactly how our homes should be and how important and sacred they are.
So, as I've been writing this, I think I have an answer. It's amazing what writing things out can do.
What are your thoughts?
That's how I have felt lately anytime I turn on the TV. Way too much swearing, people who forgot to get dressed all the way, and just plain worldliness. yuck.
I'm not sure how I feel about it. My husband and I talked about it the other night- whether or not we want to have televison/cable for our kids. Neither of us think it's a very good idea. There are some positive things to TV, but it seems like the bad is starting to out weigh the good.
I'm not a huge TV watcher, but there are certain shows I do like to watch:
Biggest Loser
American Idol
Dr. Phil (some may chuckle at that but I really love his show! Yes, my friend and I even went to it once)
Sports Center
Mickey Mouse Clubhouse (with my little girl!)
But, regardless of these good shows, I just don't know if it's worth it. Even commercials are becoming very suggestive and offensive. It makes me cringe to think of what it could be like in 10 years.
A couple weeks ago we were watching American Idol and their coach that week was Lady Gaga. (the name should have been warning enough) What in the world!?! Is she what this world has come to? She was practically wearing pannies, a shirt with chain things on it and high heels. Then if that wasn't bad enough her face was ridiculous. black paint around her eyes? Seriously, bless her heart. I was upset that this "family show" had someone like her on there. My husband and I just kept looking at each other like "is this real? are people like that?" If "sheltered" is what I am then I'll stay that way! Anyway, it actually made me really sad too. Satan is having a hayday out there. People are so so so very lost.
On the bright side, my husband and i love love love sports and we enjoy watching them together. Some of TV is very inspiring and motivating. The other day on the BYU channel we watched a documentary on Del Parson and his paintings of the Savior and it was very neat and spiritual.
There are pro's and con's to everything in life and this is something I have pondered lately. As a mother and homemaker of the home one of my primary responsibilities is to make sure my home is a place where the Spirit can dwell. I take that very seriously. In the bible dictionary it says that only the home can compare with the temple in sacredness. wow. that says it all. that tells us exactly how our homes should be and how important and sacred they are.
So, as I've been writing this, I think I have an answer. It's amazing what writing things out can do.
What are your thoughts?
Monday, May 16, 2011
I hope everyone takes time often to stop and realize how blessed they are.
I sure do.
Although, it bothers me how easy it is to forget.
Why is that?
I think about that often, too. Why is it so easy to start complaining and forget how many blessings we have?
I have every reason to be the happiest person on earth.
Growing up my mom taught us to replace the word lucky with blessed. I love that.
I truly am so very blessed.
I have grown up a member of The Church of Jesus Christ, I come from an incredible family with parents who love and respect each other and siblings who have become best friends. I married an amazing man who is my very best friend, my in-laws are all wonderful, (honestly, I could not have hand picked better in-laws, I love them all)!, I have a beautiful healthy daughter, and I get orange sticks every year for Christmas :) Life is Good!!
Really, sometimes I am just in "awe" about my life and am so grateful for my many blessings.
I think if I started making a list of all my blessings I would be overcome with all I have been given, and I would have a more humble and grateful heart.
I think I just might do that. A list that I will keep adding to throughout the years.
I sure do.
Although, it bothers me how easy it is to forget.
Why is that?
I think about that often, too. Why is it so easy to start complaining and forget how many blessings we have?
I have every reason to be the happiest person on earth.
Growing up my mom taught us to replace the word lucky with blessed. I love that.
I truly am so very blessed.
I have grown up a member of The Church of Jesus Christ, I come from an incredible family with parents who love and respect each other and siblings who have become best friends. I married an amazing man who is my very best friend, my in-laws are all wonderful, (honestly, I could not have hand picked better in-laws, I love them all)!, I have a beautiful healthy daughter, and I get orange sticks every year for Christmas :) Life is Good!!
Really, sometimes I am just in "awe" about my life and am so grateful for my many blessings.
I think if I started making a list of all my blessings I would be overcome with all I have been given, and I would have a more humble and grateful heart.
I think I just might do that. A list that I will keep adding to throughout the years.
Friday, May 6, 2011
Mothers Day
I know it's not Mothers Day yet but I have been thinking about my mom a lot in anticipation of Sunday. Wow where to even begin, I have no idea.
To simply put it, my mother is incredible.
She is beautiful, sweet, sooo fun, caring, hilarious, sensitive, loving, tender, and all things good.
I love her with my whole heart.
She is the kind of mom and friend everyone wants to have.
My mom was blessed to be able to stay at home with us kids growing up and it was such a blessing to us kids in return. I have 4 siblings and we are all so close to my mom. No kidding- I'm the youngest, all my siblings are married but we ALL still talk to my mom at least once a day. We are a close family and I love it. :)
My mom is to take a lot of credit for that. She is definitely the heart of the home.
She has always been so supportive, and encouraging of everything good us kids wanted to do growing up. There was never any doubt whether or not family came first, she showed us that we were #1. And to me, hands down the best nurturer out there.
I can't even tell you how many times my mom has been the answer to my prayers. She is so sensitive to the Spirit and will lend a helping hand wherever she can. Selfless is another good word to use to describe my mom.
I know I would not be where I am today without my mom. She is an INCREDIBLE teacher. I have learned so very much through her example and her patience in teaching.
My mom and I do so much together. She is the first friend I call to go do something, the one I can talk to about anything, the one who knows me so well, the one I can always count on, the one I ALWAYS have a blast with.
So Thank you mom, thank you for being so wonderful.
I have so many wonderful memories with you and from you I learned so much of what I know now. I feel so blessed to be your daughter and try to make you proud. I love you more than you know- you are so very special to me. I hope I can be the kind of mother to my children that you are to me.
Happy Mothers Day!!!
To simply put it, my mother is incredible.
She is beautiful, sweet, sooo fun, caring, hilarious, sensitive, loving, tender, and all things good.
I love her with my whole heart.
She is the kind of mom and friend everyone wants to have.
My mom was blessed to be able to stay at home with us kids growing up and it was such a blessing to us kids in return. I have 4 siblings and we are all so close to my mom. No kidding- I'm the youngest, all my siblings are married but we ALL still talk to my mom at least once a day. We are a close family and I love it. :)
My mom is to take a lot of credit for that. She is definitely the heart of the home.
She has always been so supportive, and encouraging of everything good us kids wanted to do growing up. There was never any doubt whether or not family came first, she showed us that we were #1. And to me, hands down the best nurturer out there.
I can't even tell you how many times my mom has been the answer to my prayers. She is so sensitive to the Spirit and will lend a helping hand wherever she can. Selfless is another good word to use to describe my mom.
I know I would not be where I am today without my mom. She is an INCREDIBLE teacher. I have learned so very much through her example and her patience in teaching.
My mom and I do so much together. She is the first friend I call to go do something, the one I can talk to about anything, the one who knows me so well, the one I can always count on, the one I ALWAYS have a blast with.
So Thank you mom, thank you for being so wonderful.
I have so many wonderful memories with you and from you I learned so much of what I know now. I feel so blessed to be your daughter and try to make you proud. I love you more than you know- you are so very special to me. I hope I can be the kind of mother to my children that you are to me.
Happy Mothers Day!!!
Sunday, May 1, 2011
Wow. I feel like I'm starting to overcome a huge trial. It feels great! And I'll explain how that has come to pass but let me back track a bit. Goodnight- I have been ridiculously down about everything lately. It has stunk. No fun. But I felt like I could not get out of this mode I was in. I'd like to blame it on the weather and although it hasn't helped, I know I'm only to blame. Because happiness is a choice-it's a state of being. Circumstances don't define happiness. But needless to say, I have been really struggling lately. Motivation, self-esteem, confidence, contentment- you name it. It all took a toll on me. I know we all have moments like this- so let me tell you what has helped me out:
I just finished reading a book.
A great book!
It's called Defined by Christ by Toni Sorensen. I loved it. She has a unique style of writing but I truly enjoyed it and it helped me so much.
This lady who wrote the book has had one. hard. life. Anyone who has read the book will know that because she talks about it. She talks about how for so long she let everyone around her and her circumstances define who she was. Then she embarked on a journey and talks about 7 truths (that apply to everyone) she learned in discovering who she really was and how she learned to let herself be defined by Christ only.
Isn't that refreshing? All the worldly pressures can just go out the window! The only person we should let define us is our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I love that.
And when we can learn to be defined by Christ we will have the greatest self esteem, amazing motivation and confidence. Because that is how Christ see's us. He is always rooting us on, always there to help, full of unconditional love.
So, goodbye bad self esteem, no motivation, contentment, and confidence- I know who I am and I've got lots to do! It feels good.
I just finished reading a book.
A great book!
It's called Defined by Christ by Toni Sorensen. I loved it. She has a unique style of writing but I truly enjoyed it and it helped me so much.
This lady who wrote the book has had one. hard. life. Anyone who has read the book will know that because she talks about it. She talks about how for so long she let everyone around her and her circumstances define who she was. Then she embarked on a journey and talks about 7 truths (that apply to everyone) she learned in discovering who she really was and how she learned to let herself be defined by Christ only.
Isn't that refreshing? All the worldly pressures can just go out the window! The only person we should let define us is our Savior, Jesus Christ.
I love that.
And when we can learn to be defined by Christ we will have the greatest self esteem, amazing motivation and confidence. Because that is how Christ see's us. He is always rooting us on, always there to help, full of unconditional love.
So, goodbye bad self esteem, no motivation, contentment, and confidence- I know who I am and I've got lots to do! It feels good.
Monday, April 25, 2011
I love my family so very much. I hope everyone does. Everyone deserves a loving family.
This past weekend my husband, daughter and I were able to see every single member of both our families besides one. Totally incredible and it was so fun!!!
I was so blessed to grow up in an amazing family and equally as blessed to have married into the same kind of family. What incredible examples they all are to me in so many different ways. I cherish the relationships I have with all of them and the fun memories.
I've always believed the family unit to be strong and powerful and precious but I don't think I totally realized to what extent and on how many levels that was true until I had my baby girl. She has really helped me put everything into proper perspective and priority. How much I desire the best for her- for all our future children! I want my kids to be best friends, I want them to be close to their cousins, I want them to know and feel they can talk to me about anything, I want them to know how precious they are and how loved they are, and I want them to enjoy family time. The list could go on and on but the world my children will be growing up in is really going to need strong families. I want to be that strong family! I want to be a refuge.
I can make it happen.
I know what the keys are.
I have been taught what to do.
I have the examples to follow.
How blessed I've been!
I have a sign in my home that says: FAMILY the ones we live with, laugh with, love...
I love it!
Families are Forever- how grateful I am for that knowledge. It brings me so much joy!
Life is good!
This past weekend my husband, daughter and I were able to see every single member of both our families besides one. Totally incredible and it was so fun!!!
I was so blessed to grow up in an amazing family and equally as blessed to have married into the same kind of family. What incredible examples they all are to me in so many different ways. I cherish the relationships I have with all of them and the fun memories.
I've always believed the family unit to be strong and powerful and precious but I don't think I totally realized to what extent and on how many levels that was true until I had my baby girl. She has really helped me put everything into proper perspective and priority. How much I desire the best for her- for all our future children! I want my kids to be best friends, I want them to be close to their cousins, I want them to know and feel they can talk to me about anything, I want them to know how precious they are and how loved they are, and I want them to enjoy family time. The list could go on and on but the world my children will be growing up in is really going to need strong families. I want to be that strong family! I want to be a refuge.
I can make it happen.
I know what the keys are.
I have been taught what to do.
I have the examples to follow.
How blessed I've been!
I have a sign in my home that says: FAMILY the ones we live with, laugh with, love...
I love it!
Families are Forever- how grateful I am for that knowledge. It brings me so much joy!
Life is good!
Sunday, April 17, 2011
♫♪Kenneth Cope - Face to Face♫♪
I love Sundays. I absolutely love them. I think most people do. I love that they are specifically set apart and not to be like the other days of the week. I love living in a town that is 90 something percent LDS. The whole town is different on Sunday. There's no hustle and bustle, most of the shops are closed and there is a reverence in the air. It's definitely something I will miss about this town when we move.
I especially love my own home on Sundays. Right now our callings enable us to spend lots of time together as a family so I am trying to soak it all in. I love our calm home. I love that we get to spend the day as a family. I love that my focus needs to be on my Savior the whole day. It's wonderful. Sundays are so pleasant.
One thing I love most is my Sunday music. Oh my goodness what a difference it makes! It feels my home with the Spirit in an instant! I love Sunday music that is soft and soothing, just as it should be.
These are some of my favorites:
Greater Than Us All (the whole CD!)
Face to Face
Consider the Lilies
Everything speaks His name-Jessie Clark Funk
You know better than I-Jessie Clark Funk
Come Thou Fount
Like a Lighthouse-Jessie Clark Funk
This is The Christ
Nashville's a Tribute to the prophet Joseph Smith (the whole CD!)
Oh Lord, My Redeemer-Michael McLean
I heard Him come- Michael McLean
and so many more!
They are all beautiful songs. I love the Spirit they bring to my home.
What are some of your favorite songs?
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Colbie Caillat - Killing Me Softly ( iTunes Session )
I love this song. I was super young when this song first came out (originally sung by The Fugees) But I remember my older siblings listening to it so it has some fun memories for me too. Anyway, a little while ago I found Colbie Caillat's version of this song and it's awesome! I love her voice :)
Wednesday, April 6, 2011
What a day. It has been one of those days. I like to think of myself as a pretty optimistic person but today was just one of those days. It wasn't totally bad... most of it was probably just me.
My sweet girl is having a really, really hard time going to bed lately. I know this is normal but it's my first time round. You can only listen to a crying baby for so long. It's hard and emotionally draining.
I felt helpless. I'd love for her to fall asleep on her own. She was doing great for a while. I'm not sure what happened. I feel like kids do better on a schedule, when they know their boundaries. It's hard to let her cry herself to sleep. Sometimes I get in this "oh she's gotta keep on a schedule and fall asleep on her own and nap times are this and this and this and yadda yadda yadda" kick. Other times I get on the "I don't care what 'the book' says, she's my baby and if I want to spoil her and rock her to sleep I'm going to. She's only little once anyway and time is precious" kick.
Which one is right? I have no idea. I think the trick is balance between the two. Most days I do pretty well. Today, as I said, was just one of those days.
I know this is all really no big deal, that I'll look back and think "Oh Rach, bless your heart!" But as I've said, I'm learning. My sweet daughter and I are learning together.
I remember sitting in a church broadcast a few years back and the lady who was speaking said something to the effect of, "Sometimes it's not the kids who need the timeout- sometimes it's the mom." That was totally me today. I was the one needing the timeout. (sp?)
Someone else once wisely said, "One of the greatest blessings is a night between two days." So true. I love that.
So, I'm off to bed and tomorrow will be a new day!!! (Whew! It's amazing how therapeutic blogging is, right? I already feel better) Life is good!
Sunday, April 3, 2011
Wonderful things have happened lately that I want to make sure I don't forget.
I don't want to forget the way I sat in our rocking chair one calm, quiet Sunday morning a couple weeks ago and just held my baby girl and read books to her. Then I put the books down and she calmly just let me keep holding her and rocking her all while my husbands cello music of hymns was playing in the background. It was a very spiritual moment for me. One of those moments where "all is right in the world." I felt such a powerful connection with my family and such an overwhelming love for them. I love those moments.
I don't want to forget that just this last weekend I got to see the mom of the family I nannied for in CT. It's been 2.5 years since I have seen them and it was so so fun to see the mom! We were both in SLC for a mutual wedding and it was such a fun day! Memories kept flooding back and I just could not be more grateful to this family for letting me be there nanny a few years back. It was a huge growing experience for me in so many ways. As I was with the mom throughout the day I felt so much love for her and the whole family. I can't explain it, but that whole day was totally incredible.
Tonight my husband and I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the third time together. We have been very very consistent in making sure we do our family scripture study every day. I could probably count on one hand the days we have forgotten to read scriptures in the last 2 years and almost 4 months that we've been married. I don't want to forget the way we looked at each other tonight and just smiled. Words didn't have to be said. It was a feeling of pure joy, a feeling of knowing we're doing the right thing. We were so proud of ourselves. I'm so grateful for such an incredible husband who has helped me understand better and learn more about the scriptures. And now that we have a baby girl we always make sure to read the scriptures before we put her to bed. Even though she is young it's very important to us that our daughter is with us when we read the scriptures. I know she can feel the Spirit.
I don't want to forget the way I sat in our rocking chair one calm, quiet Sunday morning a couple weeks ago and just held my baby girl and read books to her. Then I put the books down and she calmly just let me keep holding her and rocking her all while my husbands cello music of hymns was playing in the background. It was a very spiritual moment for me. One of those moments where "all is right in the world." I felt such a powerful connection with my family and such an overwhelming love for them. I love those moments.
I don't want to forget that just this last weekend I got to see the mom of the family I nannied for in CT. It's been 2.5 years since I have seen them and it was so so fun to see the mom! We were both in SLC for a mutual wedding and it was such a fun day! Memories kept flooding back and I just could not be more grateful to this family for letting me be there nanny a few years back. It was a huge growing experience for me in so many ways. As I was with the mom throughout the day I felt so much love for her and the whole family. I can't explain it, but that whole day was totally incredible.
Tonight my husband and I finished reading the Book of Mormon for the third time together. We have been very very consistent in making sure we do our family scripture study every day. I could probably count on one hand the days we have forgotten to read scriptures in the last 2 years and almost 4 months that we've been married. I don't want to forget the way we looked at each other tonight and just smiled. Words didn't have to be said. It was a feeling of pure joy, a feeling of knowing we're doing the right thing. We were so proud of ourselves. I'm so grateful for such an incredible husband who has helped me understand better and learn more about the scriptures. And now that we have a baby girl we always make sure to read the scriptures before we put her to bed. Even though she is young it's very important to us that our daughter is with us when we read the scriptures. I know she can feel the Spirit.
Saturday, March 19, 2011
What a week!
Sheesh! What a week! It was great and not so great.
In our small, old basment apartment we had some flooding this week. In our bedroom. We pulled up the carpet and GOODNIGHT!!! we had a lot of water and it stunk sooooo bad! Old basement + not very good air circulation + flooding = nasty moldy musty smell! Oooh it really was so gross. Bless our hearts. So I called the sweet lady that lives upstairs and she had some people come over and take a look.
Well they vaccumed up water, put in a dehumidifier (sp?) and two huge fans. I thought the problem was going to get fixed. Then the next morning I go in there and there is more water! I couldn't believe it! So these people had to come over and fix it again.
The hubs and I camped out in the living room for about 3 nights, each day just putting our mattress up against the wall in the kitchen. :( My house is not always spotless, but I like things somewhat organized and I feel like I can't totally relax when a room is "under construction", you know?
The floors finally dried, but they did not fix the leaking problem. They said they are going to do that in the summer. So I'm still a little nervous for the next time it rains/snows.
On the brighter side...
I got my carpets professionally cleaned!! Oh wow it felt sooo good! I told the carpet man our situation in our bedroom and he was kind enough to mix up a disinfectant deodorizer to put on our carpets first to get out the smell. My basement now smells like fresh oranges :) (hopefully it lasts!) Then the hubs and I cleaned the house really well mopping the floors and everything. I feel like I can finally relax and walk on my floor bare foot. It feels wonderful. I really can testify that the Spirit can be felt more in a clean home.
Then last night I got to go to a concert put on by Alfie Boe and the orchestra my husband is in. It was amazing. Alfie Boe is incredible and the orchestra did incredible as well- thanks to an awesome extremely talented director (my brother in law) and of course my husband playing his cello flawlessly! (Yes- I will always brag about how wonderful my husband is, because he is!)
Tonight I watched BYU play an awesome basketball game! I love sports. Always have. And yes, my husband and I, like almost everyone else, have become huge Jimmer Fredette fans! He is amazing. Tonight was a great game to watch! Go Cougs!
Then this evening as I was driving home I got to stop by and see a very very dear friend of mine who I haven't seen in a year! (she was in town seeing relatives) We only got a few minutes together but it was heaven! We gave each other a big bear hug and just chatted for a bit. I loved it. This friend is so special to me and we have such a neat connection. I truly love her with my whole heart!
Now I'm home relaxing, my little angel is peacefully sleeping and I am blogging. Life is good!
In our small, old basment apartment we had some flooding this week. In our bedroom. We pulled up the carpet and GOODNIGHT!!! we had a lot of water and it stunk sooooo bad! Old basement + not very good air circulation + flooding = nasty moldy musty smell! Oooh it really was so gross. Bless our hearts. So I called the sweet lady that lives upstairs and she had some people come over and take a look.
Well they vaccumed up water, put in a dehumidifier (sp?) and two huge fans. I thought the problem was going to get fixed. Then the next morning I go in there and there is more water! I couldn't believe it! So these people had to come over and fix it again.
The hubs and I camped out in the living room for about 3 nights, each day just putting our mattress up against the wall in the kitchen. :( My house is not always spotless, but I like things somewhat organized and I feel like I can't totally relax when a room is "under construction", you know?
The floors finally dried, but they did not fix the leaking problem. They said they are going to do that in the summer. So I'm still a little nervous for the next time it rains/snows.
On the brighter side...
I got my carpets professionally cleaned!! Oh wow it felt sooo good! I told the carpet man our situation in our bedroom and he was kind enough to mix up a disinfectant deodorizer to put on our carpets first to get out the smell. My basement now smells like fresh oranges :) (hopefully it lasts!) Then the hubs and I cleaned the house really well mopping the floors and everything. I feel like I can finally relax and walk on my floor bare foot. It feels wonderful. I really can testify that the Spirit can be felt more in a clean home.
Then last night I got to go to a concert put on by Alfie Boe and the orchestra my husband is in. It was amazing. Alfie Boe is incredible and the orchestra did incredible as well- thanks to an awesome extremely talented director (my brother in law) and of course my husband playing his cello flawlessly! (Yes- I will always brag about how wonderful my husband is, because he is!)
Tonight I watched BYU play an awesome basketball game! I love sports. Always have. And yes, my husband and I, like almost everyone else, have become huge Jimmer Fredette fans! He is amazing. Tonight was a great game to watch! Go Cougs!
Then this evening as I was driving home I got to stop by and see a very very dear friend of mine who I haven't seen in a year! (she was in town seeing relatives) We only got a few minutes together but it was heaven! We gave each other a big bear hug and just chatted for a bit. I loved it. This friend is so special to me and we have such a neat connection. I truly love her with my whole heart!
Now I'm home relaxing, my little angel is peacefully sleeping and I am blogging. Life is good!
Tuesday, March 15, 2011
I'm learning
I feel like I've had so many teaching moments lately. "AHA" moments is what I'll call them. Aha moments of re-learning things in a different light, or simply learning new things. It's been awesome. I feel like I'm being stretched and I know that's what I need right now. I'm very grateful.
Today my mom and I went to the hospital because my cousin had her baby. A darling baby boy who I believe looks just like his mama. This cousin of mine has been one of my "aha" teaching moments lately. She is incredible. I'm going to write this very honest and very straight forward so here goes...
My cousin grew up very differently from me. I'm not going to go into detail because I don't know details. But her social life was next to none. Dating was next to none. Home rules were very strict. Living situation was very humble. BUT she was happy and her family is truly wonderful, we just grew up differently.
She came up to BYU-I and I was a bit worried- worried people would make fun, or get annoyed, or not know how to handle her lack of social skills and what not. Plus, after anyone has lived in very humble and strict circumstances they can sometimes go overboard when all the sudden they are living on their own and free to do what they want. I was really worried.
Well BYU-I did her wonders! I'm not kidding and I'm not being rude. She was blessed with incredible roommates who loved her and were kind to her and helped her out so much. She has had a wonderful experience here and I am so glad. She deserves it.
She got married last year to a boy who fits her perfectly. They are darling together.
This cousin, who continues to live in humble circumstances (they finally got a car and a bed after about 6 months of mariage) is one of the happiest people I know. I honestly can say I have never heard her complain once. Before they got a car, her husband used to ride his bike in the freezing cold to his 4:00 am job and they slept on an air mattress. 6 months! I even brought it up with her once and she just said how the air mattress was very comfortable and they were grateful they didn't live too far from her husband's job. Not one complaint! She will hear of successes in the family or fun vacations others are going on and she only has said how happy she is for them. Never once has she said, "I wish I could do that" or "I wish I had money for that" or anything like that.
She's incredible.
There were only four of us who were able to come to her baby shower and yet she just couldn't believe how much baby stuff she got.
Her baby probably has very few things that are brand new but all she has talked about is how grateful she is that people have been so generous and so giving. Never once did she say she wished she could go buy brand new things for her baby. She is simply so grateful.
We got to the hospital today and she stood up to give my mom a hug! I couldn't believe it! I told her she didn't need to get out of bed- she just had a baby!
This cousin who has never had much herself, doesn't want for anything. She is happy and content with her life. The smallest acts of kindness are mountains to her. She is so appreciative of everything. It's unreal. Honestly, sometimes I'm just in "awe."
She amazes me. She has taught me so much just by example and by the way she lives her life. She has a solid testimony of the gospel and she is so happy.
This cousin who I used to think was different and awkward has become one of the greatest examples to me and I feel so blessed to know her. I love her so much.
So what I'm trying to say is, I'm still learning. There are so many ways I can be better and do better. My cousin has humbled me and helped me realize that true happiness can be found anywhere and that it's a choice.
Today my mom and I went to the hospital because my cousin had her baby. A darling baby boy who I believe looks just like his mama. This cousin of mine has been one of my "aha" teaching moments lately. She is incredible. I'm going to write this very honest and very straight forward so here goes...
My cousin grew up very differently from me. I'm not going to go into detail because I don't know details. But her social life was next to none. Dating was next to none. Home rules were very strict. Living situation was very humble. BUT she was happy and her family is truly wonderful, we just grew up differently.
She came up to BYU-I and I was a bit worried- worried people would make fun, or get annoyed, or not know how to handle her lack of social skills and what not. Plus, after anyone has lived in very humble and strict circumstances they can sometimes go overboard when all the sudden they are living on their own and free to do what they want. I was really worried.
Well BYU-I did her wonders! I'm not kidding and I'm not being rude. She was blessed with incredible roommates who loved her and were kind to her and helped her out so much. She has had a wonderful experience here and I am so glad. She deserves it.
She got married last year to a boy who fits her perfectly. They are darling together.
This cousin, who continues to live in humble circumstances (they finally got a car and a bed after about 6 months of mariage) is one of the happiest people I know. I honestly can say I have never heard her complain once. Before they got a car, her husband used to ride his bike in the freezing cold to his 4:00 am job and they slept on an air mattress. 6 months! I even brought it up with her once and she just said how the air mattress was very comfortable and they were grateful they didn't live too far from her husband's job. Not one complaint! She will hear of successes in the family or fun vacations others are going on and she only has said how happy she is for them. Never once has she said, "I wish I could do that" or "I wish I had money for that" or anything like that.
She's incredible.
There were only four of us who were able to come to her baby shower and yet she just couldn't believe how much baby stuff she got.
Her baby probably has very few things that are brand new but all she has talked about is how grateful she is that people have been so generous and so giving. Never once did she say she wished she could go buy brand new things for her baby. She is simply so grateful.
We got to the hospital today and she stood up to give my mom a hug! I couldn't believe it! I told her she didn't need to get out of bed- she just had a baby!
This cousin who has never had much herself, doesn't want for anything. She is happy and content with her life. The smallest acts of kindness are mountains to her. She is so appreciative of everything. It's unreal. Honestly, sometimes I'm just in "awe."
She amazes me. She has taught me so much just by example and by the way she lives her life. She has a solid testimony of the gospel and she is so happy.
This cousin who I used to think was different and awkward has become one of the greatest examples to me and I feel so blessed to know her. I love her so much.
So what I'm trying to say is, I'm still learning. There are so many ways I can be better and do better. My cousin has humbled me and helped me realize that true happiness can be found anywhere and that it's a choice.
Saturday, March 12, 2011
I love quotes or sayings - long or short. Some of these are humorous, some are spiritual, but these are just a few of some of my favorite simple and short ones...
"Be the kind of person that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says, "Oh crap! She's up!" -I found this randomly on someone's facebook the other day and I loved it! HA it's my goal...
"Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." -Sis. Hinckley. So true. So profound. So simple.
"Live your life so that those who don't know Him will want to know Him because they know you." I love this. It's very powerful to me. It's a great everyday reminder of how we should live our life. I found this one from a friend.
"Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly." I was giving a lesson in Relief Society once and I looked down at a paper about marriage and this was in big lettering at the bottom. I fell in love with it!
Okay this one is quite hilarious I think. I was in a craft store and found it on a cute little sign and I was cracking up because it caught me off guard-- "I don't skinny dip, I chunky dunk!" HA!
This one I found stitched on a darling little pillow in a craft store and I fell in love with it.
These are just a few of the hundreds I love.... Randomly as I see or hear more that I love I will post them so I don't forget them.
Feel free to leave any of your favorite quotes/sayings!
"Be the kind of person that when your feet hit the floor each morning the devil says, "Oh crap! She's up!" -I found this randomly on someone's facebook the other day and I loved it! HA it's my goal...
"Be kind. Everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle." -Sis. Hinckley. So true. So profound. So simple.
"Live your life so that those who don't know Him will want to know Him because they know you." I love this. It's very powerful to me. It's a great everyday reminder of how we should live our life. I found this one from a friend.
"Forgive quickly. Kiss slowly." I was giving a lesson in Relief Society once and I looked down at a paper about marriage and this was in big lettering at the bottom. I fell in love with it!
Okay this one is quite hilarious I think. I was in a craft store and found it on a cute little sign and I was cracking up because it caught me off guard-- "I don't skinny dip, I chunky dunk!" HA!
This one I found stitched on a darling little pillow in a craft store and I fell in love with it.
I need ya.
I got ya.
I'm keepin ya.
Love ya.
(I still want to make one for my hubby!)These are just a few of the hundreds I love.... Randomly as I see or hear more that I love I will post them so I don't forget them.
Feel free to leave any of your favorite quotes/sayings!
Tuesday, March 8, 2011
You're Gonna Miss This
So about 3 years ago, when I was nannying in CT (I can't believe it's been that long!) a song came out that I fell in love with. I emailed the lyrics to the mom of the kids I nannied and she loved it too! Then I emailed it to my sister Heidi and she also loved it and said it was just what she needed.
Anyway, this is a song I wanted to make "record" of and write out the lyrics because it has great memories for me.
You're Gonna Miss This :
She was starin out the window of their SUV
Complainin sayin I can't wait to turn 18
She said I'll make my own money And I'll make my own rules
Momma put the car in park out there in front of the school
And she kissed her head, and said 'I was just like you'
You're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' want this back
You're gonna' wish these days Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times So take a good look around
You may not know it now But you're gonna' miss this
Before she knows it she's a brand new bride
In her one bedroom apartment And her daddy stops by
He tells her it's a nice place
She says, 'It'll do for now'
Starts talkin' about babies, and buyin a house
Daddy shakes his head And says baby just slow down
Cuz' you're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' want this back
You're gonna' wish these days Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times So take a good look around
You may not know it now But you're gonna' miss this
Five years later there's a plumber Workin' on the water heater
Dog's barkin', phone's ringin' One kid's cryin' one kid's screamin'
And she keeps apologizin'
He says they don't bother me
I've got two babies of my own One's thirty- six, one's twenty- three
Huh, it's hard to believe But you're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' want this back
You're gonna' wish these days Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times So take a good look around
You may not know it now But you're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' miss this Yeaahhhh... you're gonna' miss this...
I hope you enjoyed it too :)
Anyway, this is a song I wanted to make "record" of and write out the lyrics because it has great memories for me.
You're Gonna Miss This :
She was starin out the window of their SUV
Complainin sayin I can't wait to turn 18
She said I'll make my own money And I'll make my own rules
Momma put the car in park out there in front of the school
And she kissed her head, and said 'I was just like you'
You're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' want this back
You're gonna' wish these days Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times So take a good look around
You may not know it now But you're gonna' miss this
Before she knows it she's a brand new bride
In her one bedroom apartment And her daddy stops by
He tells her it's a nice place
She says, 'It'll do for now'
Starts talkin' about babies, and buyin a house
Daddy shakes his head And says baby just slow down
Cuz' you're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' want this back
You're gonna' wish these days Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times So take a good look around
You may not know it now But you're gonna' miss this
Five years later there's a plumber Workin' on the water heater
Dog's barkin', phone's ringin' One kid's cryin' one kid's screamin'
And she keeps apologizin'
He says they don't bother me
I've got two babies of my own One's thirty- six, one's twenty- three
Huh, it's hard to believe But you're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' want this back
You're gonna' wish these days Hadn't gone by so fast
These are some good times So take a good look around
You may not know it now But you're gonna' miss this
You're gonna' miss this Yeaahhhh... you're gonna' miss this...
I hope you enjoyed it too :)
Sunday, March 6, 2011
A Great Day!
Yesterday my husband and I got to go to the temple. It was so wonderful. I love the feeling I get everytime I go to the temple. A feeling of peace, of being at home, and a feeling of just being in the right place. It always feels right to be there. Especially with my husband. It was heaven.
Then an hour after the temple we headed to the adult session of stake conference. That too was wonderful! We walked in a few minutes late but the minute I walked in I heard the stake president say, "I feel impressed to tell you all to be happy. Whatever circumstance or part of life you're in find joy in the journey." (that's not word for word but it was something like that) It was exactly what I needed to hear! I think we all need reminders to be happy wherever we are.
When a speaker shared some thoughts on marriage I remembered a paper I got at a relief society activity last month entitled 100 Ways You Can Love Your Husband HIS way. (you can just google it and it will come up) I love it! It has some great advice! I thought I'd share a few...
*Focus on what he's doing right, instead of the negatives
*When you go on a date don't bring up problems, just have fun!
*Show interest in what he feels is important in life
*Recognize that the first few minutes after a spouse comes home often sets the stage for how the rest of the evening will go. So make it positive!
*Compliment him often
*Show him you need him
*Give him time to be alone
*Pray for him
*Brag about him to other people
*Look your best- make him proud to be seen with you
*Defend him if anyone talks disrespectfully about him
*Cheer his successes
*Thank him for just being himself
Anyway, it was a GREAT day! A lot of spiritual feeding which is always needed.
But now my little angel is in bed and I'm going to go spend time with my husband :)
Then an hour after the temple we headed to the adult session of stake conference. That too was wonderful! We walked in a few minutes late but the minute I walked in I heard the stake president say, "I feel impressed to tell you all to be happy. Whatever circumstance or part of life you're in find joy in the journey." (that's not word for word but it was something like that) It was exactly what I needed to hear! I think we all need reminders to be happy wherever we are.
When a speaker shared some thoughts on marriage I remembered a paper I got at a relief society activity last month entitled 100 Ways You Can Love Your Husband HIS way. (you can just google it and it will come up) I love it! It has some great advice! I thought I'd share a few...
*Focus on what he's doing right, instead of the negatives
*When you go on a date don't bring up problems, just have fun!
*Show interest in what he feels is important in life
*Recognize that the first few minutes after a spouse comes home often sets the stage for how the rest of the evening will go. So make it positive!
*Compliment him often
*Show him you need him
*Give him time to be alone
*Pray for him
*Brag about him to other people
*Look your best- make him proud to be seen with you
*Defend him if anyone talks disrespectfully about him
*Cheer his successes
*Thank him for just being himself
Anyway, it was a GREAT day! A lot of spiritual feeding which is always needed.
But now my little angel is in bed and I'm going to go spend time with my husband :)
Friday, March 4, 2011
Spiritual Gifts
I recently finished reading The Infinite Atonement, by Tad R. Callister. It's a wonderful book and it helped me understand the atonement of our Savior much better. Because the atonement is infinite and our minds are only finite, we cannot comprehend or understand it all, but I definitely gained more knowledge than I had and I have been pondering about a few things lately...
Spiritual gifts. Truly they are gifts given by the Holy Ghost. In his book, Callister quotes Elder Bruce R. McConkie saying, "Men must receive the gift of the Holy Ghost before that member of the Godhead will take up his abode with them and begin the supernal process of distributing his gifts to them....Thus the gifts of the Spirit are for believing, faithful, righteous people; they are reserved for the saints of God." Callister then goes on to say that that doesn't mean others of a different faith do not have faith or wisdom or love. He simply means that faith in it's fullest- the kind that moves mountains, charity that resembles the pure love of Christ, all the divine attributes in their grandest godlike proportions only can come through the gift of the Holy Ghost.
I had never thought of that before. How blessed we are to have gifts of the Spirit! We eventually need all the gifts of the Spirit to reach our eternal potential and become like God. To become perfect. We are blessed with some, and we need to do all we can to keep aquiring more. Just as the scriptures tell us to seek the best gifts, God is anxious to give them to us.
Charity is the gift I have pondered about lately. The pure love of Christ. I believe this is something infinite too, that our finite minds have a hard time grasping. It is so deep and goes way beyond love itself. Here are some attributes:
suffereth long
envieth not
not puffed up
seeketh not her own
not easily provoked
thinketh no evil
rejoiceth in truth
beareth all things
believeth all things
hopeth all things
endureth all things
endureth forever
It is pure and perfect in all it's forms.
Like others, I too would say it is the grand motivator.
What a difference it would make if everyone was striving for charity. Especially in our relationships with ourselves and with others. And most definitely with our spouses.
Spiritual gifts. What blessings they are to us!
I'd love to hear your thoughts...
Spiritual gifts. Truly they are gifts given by the Holy Ghost. In his book, Callister quotes Elder Bruce R. McConkie saying, "Men must receive the gift of the Holy Ghost before that member of the Godhead will take up his abode with them and begin the supernal process of distributing his gifts to them....Thus the gifts of the Spirit are for believing, faithful, righteous people; they are reserved for the saints of God." Callister then goes on to say that that doesn't mean others of a different faith do not have faith or wisdom or love. He simply means that faith in it's fullest- the kind that moves mountains, charity that resembles the pure love of Christ, all the divine attributes in their grandest godlike proportions only can come through the gift of the Holy Ghost.
I had never thought of that before. How blessed we are to have gifts of the Spirit! We eventually need all the gifts of the Spirit to reach our eternal potential and become like God. To become perfect. We are blessed with some, and we need to do all we can to keep aquiring more. Just as the scriptures tell us to seek the best gifts, God is anxious to give them to us.
Charity is the gift I have pondered about lately. The pure love of Christ. I believe this is something infinite too, that our finite minds have a hard time grasping. It is so deep and goes way beyond love itself. Here are some attributes:
suffereth long
envieth not
not puffed up
seeketh not her own
not easily provoked
thinketh no evil
rejoiceth in truth
beareth all things
believeth all things
hopeth all things
endureth all things
endureth forever
It is pure and perfect in all it's forms.
Like others, I too would say it is the grand motivator.
What a difference it would make if everyone was striving for charity. Especially in our relationships with ourselves and with others. And most definitely with our spouses.
Spiritual gifts. What blessings they are to us!
I'd love to hear your thoughts...
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
A Little More Country Than That (Acoustic Version)
I love love love country music. Love it! Always have. This is who I've been listening to a lot lately- Easton Corbin. He's fantastic. I love his voice. Enjoy!
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Motherhood: An Eternal Partnership with God
I love being a mother. I absolutely love it. It is completely embedded in me and part of my nature. I wouldn't trade it for anything. I find so much true joy in it and I'm constantly learning.
But some days are hard. Really hard. Everyone has those days, right?
Those are the days I watch this video and am reminded of my precious, sacred role. It puts everything into perspective. How proud I am to be a mother!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Who wouldn't love getting these?!?
My sweetheart gave me homemade roses this year. Our budget is rather small so we decided not to spend much. So he googled how to make homemade roses and he made these for me! Isn't it sweet? It meant more to me than if he'd gotten me a big bouquet of flowers. I'll take these any day!
Thank you sweetheart, you are so thoughtful and I love you so much!
Friday, February 11, 2011
Yesterday a friend gave me flowers. A friend! How often does that happen?! Needless to say, it totally made my day. She is in a flower arranging class and she made a beautiful arrangement and of all people, gave it to me. It really meant a lot. I felt special.
So then I started thinking, "How often am I serving others or doing something to make someone's day better?"
It doesn't take much, for some people a simple smile and an acknowledgement can make a difference or a sweet text message letting someone know you're thinking about them.
It all starts with the simple things. For my friend, giving me flowers may not have been a big deal-but to me it really meant something. I am going to try harder and do a little better at making sure I help someone out in someway everyday.
So then I started thinking, "How often am I serving others or doing something to make someone's day better?"
It doesn't take much, for some people a simple smile and an acknowledgement can make a difference or a sweet text message letting someone know you're thinking about them.
It all starts with the simple things. For my friend, giving me flowers may not have been a big deal-but to me it really meant something. I am going to try harder and do a little better at making sure I help someone out in someway everyday.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Today my sweet baby girl started crawling! What??? It seems like I just brought her home from the hospital. Time flies.
I was such a proud mama as I watched her determination and courage to move on her own. She is my little sweetheart! For a small moment tears came to my eyes as I watched her. It was one more step to becoming more independent. I felt a small but real glimpse of what it's going to be like to let her do things on her own- to watch her grow and learn and experience things herself. And as much as I'd like to just swaddle her and keep her as my baby I know she needs to grow and experience life. It might seem like I'm overreacting a bit, but this was a big milestone today, for my baby and for me.
I'm grateful for these small reminders- reminders to cherish every minute because children grow up so fast! Oh how I love my little sweetheart! I'm so proud of her!
I was such a proud mama as I watched her determination and courage to move on her own. She is my little sweetheart! For a small moment tears came to my eyes as I watched her. It was one more step to becoming more independent. I felt a small but real glimpse of what it's going to be like to let her do things on her own- to watch her grow and learn and experience things herself. And as much as I'd like to just swaddle her and keep her as my baby I know she needs to grow and experience life. It might seem like I'm overreacting a bit, but this was a big milestone today, for my baby and for me.
I'm grateful for these small reminders- reminders to cherish every minute because children grow up so fast! Oh how I love my little sweetheart! I'm so proud of her!
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